fread_unloc man page on HP-UX

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fread(3S)							     fread(3S)

       fread(), fwrite() - buffered binary input/output to a stream file

   Obsolescent Interfaces
       copies,	into  an  array	 pointed to by ptr, up to nitems items of data
       from the named input stream, where an item of data  is  a  sequence  of
       bytes  (not  necessarily	 terminated  by	 a  null byte) of length size.
       stops appending bytes if an end-of-file or error condition  is  encoun‐
       tered  while reading stream, or if nitems items have been read.	leaves
       the file pointer in stream, if defined, pointing to the byte  following
       the  last  byte	read if there is one.  does not change the contents of

       appends at most nitems items of data from the array pointed to  by  ptr
       to  the	named  output  stream.	 stops	appending when it has appended
       nitems items of data or if an error condition is encountered on stream.
       does not change the contents of the array pointed to by ptr.

       The  argument size is typically where the pseudo-function specifies the
       length of an item pointed to by ptr.

   Obsolescent Interfaces
       and buffered binary input/output to a stream file.

       After or is applied to a stream, the stream becomes byte-oriented  (see

       and  return  the number of items read or written.  If size or nitems is
       0, no characters are read or written and 0 is returned.

       The value returned will be less than nitems only if  a  read  error  or
       end-of-file is encountered.

       When  the  file corresponding to an open stream gets extended after the
       end-of-file is reached, any subsequent calls to will  succeed  and  the
       end-of-file  indicator will remain set.	However, in the UNIX2003 stan‐
       dards environment (see standards(5)), this function  will  return  zero
       and the end-of-file indicator will remain set.

       The or functions must be used to distinguish between an error condition
       and an end-of-file condition.

       Refer to getc(3S) for a description of errors returned by

       Refer to putc(3S) for a description of errors returned by

       and are obsolescent interfaces supported only  for  compatibility  with
       existing	 DCE  applications.  New multithreaded applications should use

       read(2),	 write(2),  fopen(3S),	flockfile(3S),	 getc(3S),   gets(3S),
       printf(3S),   putc(3S),	 puts(3S),  scanf(3S),	orientation(5),	 stan‐
       dards(5), thread_safety(5), glossary(9).


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