XSetAccessControl man page on IRIX

Printed from http://www.polarhome.com/service/man/?qf=XSetAccessControl&af=0&tf=2&of=IRIX

     XAddHost(3X11)	X Version 11 (Release 6.6)	XAddHost(3X11)

	  XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts,
	  XSetAccessControl, XEnableAccessControl,
	  XDisableAccessControl, XHostAddress - control host access
	  and host control structure

	  XAddHost(display, host)
		Display *display;
		XHostAddress *host;

	  XAddHosts(display, hosts, num_hosts)
		Display *display;
		XHostAddress *hosts;
		int num_hosts;

	  XHostAddress *XListHosts(display, nhosts_return,
		Display *display;
		int *nhosts_return;
		Bool *state_return;

	  XRemoveHost(display, host)
		Display *display;
		XHostAddress *host;

	  XRemoveHosts(display, hosts, num_hosts)
		Display *display;
		XHostAddress *hosts;
		int num_hosts;

	  XSetAccessControl(display, mode)
		Display *display;
		int mode;

		Display *display;

		Display *display;

	  display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

	  host	    Specifies the host that is to be added or removed.

	  hosts	    Specifies each host that is to be added or

	  mode	    Specifies the mode.	 You can pass EnableAccess or

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     XAddHost(3X11)	X Version 11 (Release 6.6)	XAddHost(3X11)

		    Returns the number of hosts currently in the
		    access control list.

	  num_hosts Specifies the number of hosts.

		    Returns the state of the access control.

	  The XAddHost function adds the specified host to the access
	  control list for that display.  The server must be on the
	  same host as the client issuing the command, or a BadAccess
	  error results.

	  XAddHost can generate BadAccess and BadValue errors.

	  The XAddHosts function adds each specified host to the
	  access control list for that display.	 The server must be on
	  the same host as the client issuing the command, or a
	  BadAccess error results.

	  XAddHosts can generate BadAccess and BadValue errors.

	  The XListHosts function returns the current access control
	  list as well as whether the use of the list at connection
	  setup was enabled or disabled.  XListHosts allows a program
	  to find out what machines can make connections.  It also
	  returns a pointer to a list of host structures that were
	  allocated by the function. When no longer needed, this
	  memory should be freed by calling XFree.

	  The XRemoveHost function removes the specified host from the
	  access control list for that display.	 The server must be on
	  the same host as the client process, or a BadAccess error
	  results.  If you remove your machine from the access list,
	  you can no longer connect to that server, and this operation
	  cannot be reversed unless you reset the server.

	  XRemoveHost can generate BadAccess and BadValue errors.

	  The XRemoveHosts function removes each specified host from
	  the access control list for that display. The X server must
	  be on the same host as the client process, or a BadAccess
	  error results.  If you remove your machine from the access
	  list, you can no longer connect to that server, and this
	  operation cannot be reversed unless you reset the server.

	  XRemoveHosts can generate BadAccess and BadValue errors.

	  The XSetAccessControl function either enables or disables
	  the use of the access control list at each connection setup.

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     XAddHost(3X11)	X Version 11 (Release 6.6)	XAddHost(3X11)

	  XSetAccessControl can generate BadAccess and BadValue

	  The XEnableAccessControl function enables the use of the
	  access control list at each connection setup.

	  XEnableAccessControl can generate a BadAccess error.

	  The XDisableAccessControl function disables the use of the
	  access control list at each connection setup.

	  XDisableAccessControl can generate a BadAccess error.

	  The XHostAddress structure contains:

	  typedef struct {
	       int family;		/* for example FamilyInternet */
	       int length;		/* length of address, in bytes */
	       char *address;		/* pointer to where to find the address */
	  } XHostAddress;

	  The family member specifies which protocol address family to
	  use (for example, TCP/IP or DECnet) and can be
	  FamilyInternet, FamilyDECnet, or FamilyChaos.	 The length
	  member specifies the length of the address in bytes.	The
	  address member specifies a pointer to the address.

	  BadAccess A client attempted to modify the access control
		    list from other than the local (or otherwise
		    authorized) host.

	  BadValue  Some numeric value falls outside the range of
		    values accepted by the request.  Unless a specific
		    range is specified for an argument, the full range
		    defined by the argument's type is accepted.	 Any
		    argument defined as a set of alternatives can
		    generate this error.

	  Xlib - C Language X Interface

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