XmCreateRowColumn man page on IRIX

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XmCreateRowColumn(3X)					 XmCreateRowColumn(3X)

       XmCreateRowColumn — The RowColumn widget creation function

       #include <Xm/RowColumn.h>

       Widget  XmCreateRowColumn  (parent,  name, arglist, argcount)	  Wid‐
       get    parent;	   String    name;	ArgList	  arglist;	Cardi‐
       nal  argcount;

       This page documents version 1.2 of the Motif library.

       XmCreateRowColumn creates an instance of a RowColumn widget and returns
       the associated widget ID.  If XmNrowColumnType is not  specified,  then
       it is created with XmWORK_AREA, which is the default.

       If this function is used to create a Popup Menu of type XmMENU_POPUP or
       a Pulldown Menu of type XmMENU_PULLDOWN,	 a  MenuShell  widget  is  not
       automatically  created  as the parent of the MenuPane.  The application
       must first create the MenuShell by using	 either	 XmCreateMenuShell  or
       the  standard  toolkit create function.	Specifies the parent widget ID
       Specifies the name of the created widget Specifies  the	argument  list
       Specifies  the  number  of  attribute/value  pairs in the argument list

       For a complete definition of RowColumn and  its	associated  resources,
       see XmRowColumn(3X).

       Returns the RowColumn widget ID.

       XmCreateMenuBar(3X), XmCreateMenuShell(3X), XmCreateOptionMenu(3X),
       XmCreatePopupMenu(3X), XmCreatePulldownMenu(3X), XmCreateRadioBox(3X),
       XmCreateSimpleCheckBox(3X), XmCreateSimpleMenuBar(3X), XmCreateSim‐
       pleOptionMenu(3X), XmCreateSimplePopupMenu(3X), XmCreateSimplePulldown‐
       Menu(3X), XmCreateSimpleRadioBox(3X), XmCreateWorkArea(3X), XmRowCol‐
       umn(3X), XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox(3X), XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar(3X),
       XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(3X), XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu(3X), XmVaCre‐
       ateSimplePulldownMenu(3X), and XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox(3X).


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