pfGetJunctionWhichEndPt man page on IRIX

Printed from

pfJunction(3pf)			OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     pfNewJunction, pfGetJunctionClassType, pfJunctionAddEndPt,
     pfGetJunctionSpokeCount, pfGetJunctionSurface, pfGetJunctionLoop,
     pfGetJunctionTrimCurve, pfGetJunctionWhichEndPt - The end points of

     #include <Performer/pf.h>

     pfJunction *   pfNewJunction(void *arena);

     pfType *	    pfGetJunctionClassType(void);

     void	    pfJunctionAddEndPt(pfJunction* junction, int i,
		      pfParaSurface *sur, int trimLoop, int trimCurve,
		      int which );

     int	    pfGetJunctionSpokeCount(pfJunction* junction);

     int	    pfGetJunctionSurface(pfJunction* junction, int i );

     int	    pfGetJunctionLoop(pfJunction* junction, int i );

     int	    pfGetJunctionTrimCurve(pfJunction* junction, int i );

     int	    pfGetJunctionWhichEndPt(pfJunction* junction, int i );

     The OpenGL Performer class pfJunction is derived from the parent class
     pfObject, so each of these member functions of class pfObject are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfJunction.	Casting an object of
     class pfJunction to an object of class pfObject is taken care of
     automatically.  This is also true for casts to objects of ancestor
     classes of class pfObject.

     void	   pfUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot, void *data);
     void	   pfUserData(pfObject *obj, void *data);
     void*	   pfGetUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     void*	   pfGetUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNumUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNamedUserDataSlot(const char *name);
     const char*   pfGetUserDataSlotName(int slot);
     int	   pfGetNumNamedUserDataSlots(void);
     int	   pfDeleteGLHandle(pfObject *obj);

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfJunction can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

									Page 1

pfJunction(3pf)			OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);
     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);
     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);
     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     A junction is one or more boundaries that come together at a single point
     in 3D space. To ensure the topological integrity of this arrangment the
     boundaries' (pfBoundary) endpoints point to an pfJunction structure and
     visa-versa.  pfJunction contains the information on all the boundaries
     that meet at this junction.  For each boundary, it has a flag indicating
     which end point is the relevant end point.	 pfJunction is similar to
     pfBoundary, except that it holds a list of boundaries that meet at a
     junction.	Like an pfBoundary, pfJunction also holds the model
     coordinates of the junction.

     pfNewJunction creates and returns a handle to a pfJunction.  arena
     specifies a malloc arena out of which the pfJunction is allocated or NULL
     for allocation off the process heap.  pfJunctions can be deleted with

     pfGetJunctionClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfJunction. the
     pfType* returned by pfGetJunctionClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking pfGetType on any instance of class pfJunction.
     Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in types, when
     decisions are made based on the type of an object, it is usually better
     to use pfIsOfType to test if an object is of a type derived from a
     Performer type rather than to test for strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     pfJunctionAddEndPt adds a new spoke to the surface list where surface
     corresponds to the surface index to the surface list, trimLoop refers to
     the trim loop index of surface, trimCurve corresponds to the trim curve
     index with the trim lopp and which corresponds to which end
     (PFEND_POINT_BEGIN or PFEND_POINT_END) of the curve is a junction.

     pfGetJunctionSpokeCount returns the number of surfaces that meet at this

     pfGetJunctionSurface returns information associated with the i'th spoke.

									Page 2

pfJunction(3pf)			OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C Reference Pages

     pfGetJunctionLoop returns the loop number of the i'th spoke.

     pfGetJunctionTrimCurve gets the trim curve number of the i'th spoke.

     pfGetJunctionWhichEndPt gets the information on which end point of the
     i'th spoke. Will be either PFEND_POINT_BEGIN or PFEND_POINT_END.

     pfTopo, pfCurve2d, pfEdge, pfDisCurve2d, pfDisCurve3d, pfParaSurface

									Page 3


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