pfGroup man page on IRIX

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pfGroup(3pf)   OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages	  pfGroup(3pf)

     pfGroup - Create, modify, and query a group node.

     #include <Performer/pf/pfGroup.h>


     static pfType *   pfGroup::getClassType(void);

     int	       pfGroup::addChild(pfNode *child);

     int	       pfGroup::insertChild(int index, pfNode *child);

     int	       pfGroup::replaceChild(pfNode *old, pfNode *new);

     int	       pfGroup::removeChild(pfNode* child);

     int	       pfGroup::searchChild(pfNode* child);

     pfNode *	       pfGroup::getChild(int index);

     int	       pfGroup::getNumChildren(void);

     int	       pfGroup::bufferAddChild(pfNode *child);

     int	       pfGroup::bufferRemoveChild(pfNode *child);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfGroup is derived from the parent class
     pfNode, so each of these member functions of class pfNode are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfGroup.  This is also true for
     ancestor classes of class pfNode.

     pfGroup *	    pfNode::getParent(int i);
     int	    pfNode::getNumParents(void);
     void	    pfNode::setBound(pfSphere *bsph, int mode);
     int	    pfNode::getBound(pfSphere *bsph);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::clone(int mode);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::bufferClone(int mode, pfBuffer *buf);
     int	    pfNode::flatten(int mode);
     int	    pfNode::setName(const char *name);
     const char *   pfNode::getName(void);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::find(const char *pathName, pfType *type);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::lookup(const char *name, pfType* type);
     int	    pfNode::isect(pfSegSet *segSet, pfHit **hits[]);
     void	    pfNode::setTravMask(int which, uint mask, int setMode,
		      int bitOp);
     uint	    pfNode::getTravMask(int which);
     void	    pfNode::setTravFuncs(int which, pfNodeTravFuncType pre,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType post);

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pfGroup(3pf)   OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages	  pfGroup(3pf)

     void	    pfNode::getTravFuncs(int which, pfNodeTravFuncType *pre,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType *post);
     void	    pfNode::setTravData(int which, void *data);
     void *	    pfNode::getTravData(int which);
     void	    pfNode::setTravMode(int which, int mode, int val);
     int	    pfNode::getTravMode(int which, int mode) const;

     Since the class pfNode is itself derived from the parent class pfObject,
     objects of class pfGroup can also be used with these functions designed
     for objects of class pfObject.

     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, pfFluxMemory *fmem);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(void *data);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(int slot, void *data);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     int     pfObject::getNumUserData();

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfGroup can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     void*	    pfMemory::getData(const void *ptr);
     pfType *	    pfMemory::getType();
     int	    pfMemory::isOfType(pfType *type);
     int	    pfMemory::isExactType(pfType *type);
     const char *   pfMemory::getTypeName();
     int	    pfMemory::copy(pfMemory *src);
     int	    pfMemory::compare(const pfMemory *mem);
     void	    pfMemory::print(uint which, uint verbose, char *prefix,
		      FILE *file);
     int	    pfMemory::getArena(void *ptr);
     void*	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::ref();
     int	    pfMemory::unref();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefGetRef();
     int	    pfMemory::getRef();
     int	    pfMemory::checkDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::isFluxed();
     void *	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::getSize();

     group  identifies a pfGroup.

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pfGroup(3pf)   OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages	  pfGroup(3pf)

     A pfGroup is the internal node type of the OpenGL Performer hierarchy and
     is derived from pfNode.  A pfGroup has a list of children which are
     traversed when group is traversed.	 Children may be any pfNode which
     includes both internal nodes (pfGroups) and leaf nodes (pfNodes).	Other
     nodes which are derived from pfGroup may use pfGroup API. OpenGL
     Performer nodes derived from pfGroup are:

     new pfGroup creates and returns a handle to a pfGroup.  Like other
     pfNodes, pfGroups are always allocated from shared memory and cannot be
     created statically, on the stack or in arrays.  pfGroups should be
     deleted using pfDelete rather than the delete operator.

     pfGroup::getClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfGroup.  The
     pfType* returned by pfGroup::getClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking the virtual function getType on any instance of
     class pfGroup.  Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in
     types, when decisions are made based on the type of an object, it is
     usually better to use  the member function isOfType to test if an object
     is of a type derived from a Performer type rather than to test for strict
     equality of the pfType*'s.

     pfGroup::addChild appends child to the pfGroup and increments the
     reference count of child.	pfGroup::removeChild removes child from the
     list and shifts the list down over the vacant spot, e.g. - if child had
     index 0, then index 1 becomes index 0, index 2 becomes index 1 and so on.
     pfGroup::removeChild returns a 1 if child was actually removed and 0 if
     it was not found in the list. pfGroup::removeChild decrements the
     reference count of child but does not delete child if its reference count
     reaches 0.

     pfGroup::insertChild inserts child before the child with index index.
     index must be within the range 0 to pfGroup::getNumChildren().

     pfGroup::replaceChild replaces old with new and returns 1 if the
     operation was successful or 0 if old is not a child of the pfGroup.

     pfGroup::searchChild returns the index of child if it was found in the
     children list of the pfGroup or -1 if it was not found.

     pfGroup::getNumChildren returns the number of children in the pfGroup.
     pfGroup::getChild returns a handle to the child with index index or NULL
     if the index is out of range.

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pfGroup(3pf)   OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages	  pfGroup(3pf)

     The bounding volume of a pfGroup encompasses all its children.
     Modifications to the child list of a pfGroup will cause OpenGL Performer
     to recompute new bounding volumes for the pfGroup unless it is configured
     to use static bounding volumes (see pfNode::setBound).

     pfGroup::bufferAddChild and pfGroup::bufferRemoveChild provide access to
     nodes that do not exist in the current pfBuffer (See the pfBuffer man
     page). Either, none, or both of the pfBuffer and node may exist outside
     the current pfBuffer.  pfGroup::bufferAddChild and
     pfGroup::bufferRemoveChild act just like their non-buffered counterparts
     pfGroup::addChild and pfGroup::removeChild except that the addition or
     removal request is not carried out immediately but is recorded by the
     current pfBuffer. The request is delayed until the first pfBuffer::merge
     when both the parent pfGroup and node are found in the main OpenGL
     Performer pfBuffer. The list of pfGroup::bufferAddChild and
     pfGroup::bufferRemoveChild requests is traversed in pfBuffer::merge after
     all nodes have been merged.  pfGroup::bufferAddChild and
     pfGroup::bufferRemoveChild return TRUE if the request was recorded and
     FALSE otherwise.

     pfNode, pfBuffer, pfDelete

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