pfParaSurface man page on IRIX

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pfParaSurface(3pf)	      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages

     pfParaSurface - A trimmed parametric surface.

     #include <Performer/pf/pfParaSurface.h>

     static pfType *   pfParaSurface::getClassType(void);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setBeginU(pfReal u);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setEndU(pfReal u);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setBeginV(pfReal v);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setEndV(pfReal v);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setSolidId(int solidId);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setTopoId(int topoId);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setSurfaceId(int surfaceId);

     pfReal	       pfParaSurface::getBeginU(pfParaSurface* surf);

     pfReal	       pfParaSurface::getEndU(pfParaSurface* surf);

     pfReal	       pfParaSurface::getBeginV(pfParaSurface* surf);

     pfReal	       pfParaSurface::getEndV(pfParaSurface* surf);

     int	       pfParaSurface::getTrimLoopCount(pfParaSurface* surf);

     pfLoop	       pfParaSurface::getTrimLoopClosed(int loopNum);

     int	       pfParaSurface::getTrimCurveCount(int loopNum);

     pfEdge*	       pfParaSurface::getTrimCurve(int loopNum, int curveNum);

     pfTopo*	       pfParaSurface::getTopo();

     int	       pfParaSurface::getTopoId();

     int	       pfParaSurface::getSolidId();

     int	       pfParaSurface::getSurfaceId();

     void	       pfParaSurface::getHandednessHint(pfBool _clockWise);

     pfBool	       pfParaSurface::getHandednessHint();

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     void	       pfParaSurface::insertTrimCurve(int loopNum,
			 pfCurve2d *c, pfDisCurve2d *d);

     void	       pfParaSurface::addTrimCurve(int loopNum, pfCurve2d *c,
			 pfDisCurve2d *d);

     void	       pfParaSurface::setTrimLoopClosed(int loopNum,
			 pfLoop closed);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalPt(pfReal u, pfReal v, pfVec3& pnt);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalDu(pfReal u, pfReal v, pfVec3& Du);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalDv(pfReal u, pfReal v, pfVec3& Dv);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalDuu(pfReal u, pfReal v,
			 pfVec3& Duu);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalDvv(pfReal u, pfReal v,
			 pfVec3& Dvv);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalDuv(pfReal u, pfReal v,
			 pfVec3& Duv);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalNorm(pfReal u, pfReal v,
			 pfVec3& norm);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalD(pfReal u, pfReal v, pfReal theta,
			 pfVec3& D);

     void	       pfParaSurface::evalDD(pfReal u, pfReal v, pfReal theta,
			 pfVec3& DD);

     int	       pfParaSurface::setGState(pfGeoState *gState);

     pfGeoState*       pfParaSurface::getGState();

     void	       pfParaSurface::clearTessellation();

     The OpenGL Performer class pfParaSurface is derived from the parent class
     pfGeode, so each of these member functions of class pfGeode are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfParaSurface.  This is also true
     for ancestor classes of class pfGeode.

     void   pfRep::setOrigin(const pfVec3 *origin);
     void   pfRep::setOrient(const pfMatrix *mat);
     void   pfRep::getOrigin(pfVec3& origin);
     void   pfRep::getOrient(pfMatrix& matrix);

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     Since the class pfGeode is itself derived from the parent class pfGeode,
     objects of class pfParaSurface can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfGeode.

     int	  pfGeode::addGSet(pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	  pfGeode::removeGSet(pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	  pfGeode::insertGSet(int index, pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	  pfGeode::replaceGSet(pfGeoSet* old, pfGeoSet* new);
     pfGeoSet *	  pfGeode::getGSet(int index);
     int	  pfGeode::getNumGSets(void);

     Since the class pfGeode is itself derived from the parent class pfNode,
     objects of class pfParaSurface can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfNode.

     pfGroup *	    pfNode::getParent(int i);
     int	    pfNode::getNumParents(void);
     void	    pfNode::setBound(pfSphere *bsph, int mode);
     int	    pfNode::getBound(pfSphere *bsph);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::clone(int mode);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::bufferClone(int mode, pfBuffer *buf);
     int	    pfNode::flatten(int mode);
     int	    pfNode::setName(const char *name);
     const char *   pfNode::getName(void);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::find(const char *pathName, pfType *type);
     pfNode*	    pfNode::lookup(const char *name, pfType* type);
     int	    pfNode::isect(pfSegSet *segSet, pfHit **hits[]);
     void	    pfNode::setTravMask(int which, uint mask, int setMode,
		      int bitOp);
     uint	    pfNode::getTravMask(int which);
     void	    pfNode::setTravFuncs(int which, pfNodeTravFuncType pre,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType post);
     void	    pfNode::getTravFuncs(int which, pfNodeTravFuncType *pre,
		      pfNodeTravFuncType *post);
     void	    pfNode::setTravData(int which, void *data);
     void *	    pfNode::getTravData(int which);
     void	    pfNode::setTravMode(int which, int mode, int val);
     int	    pfNode::getTravMode(int which, int mode) const;

     Since the class pfNode is itself derived from the parent class pfObject,
     objects of class pfParaSurface can also be used with these functions
     designed for objects of class pfObject.

     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t);
     void*   pfObject::operator new(size_t, pfFluxMemory *fmem);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(void *data);
     void    pfObject::setUserData(int slot, void *data);
     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj);

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     void*   pfObject::getUserData(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     int     pfObject::getNumUserData();

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfParaSurface can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     void*	    pfMemory::getData(const void *ptr);
     pfType *	    pfMemory::getType();
     int	    pfMemory::isOfType(pfType *type);
     int	    pfMemory::isExactType(pfType *type);
     const char *   pfMemory::getTypeName();
     int	    pfMemory::copy(pfMemory *src);
     int	    pfMemory::compare(const pfMemory *mem);
     void	    pfMemory::print(uint which, uint verbose, char *prefix,
		      FILE *file);
     int	    pfMemory::getArena(void *ptr);
     void*	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::ref();
     int	    pfMemory::unref();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::unrefGetRef();
     int	    pfMemory::getRef();
     int	    pfMemory::checkDelete();
     int	    pfMemory::isFluxed();
     void *	    pfMemory::getArena();
     int	    pfMemory::getSize();

     A parametric surface is a mapping from 2D UV space (parametric space) to
     3D XYZ space (object space) with the domain being a rectangle specified
     by [beginU, endU] X [beginV, endV].

     A trimmed parametric surface is a parametric surface with some number of
     trim loops which redefines the domain by, intuitively speaking, cutting
     holes in the domain rectangle. Each trim loop divides the UV plane into
     two areas: the one enclosed by this loop and the one outside this loop.
     If a trim loop is oriented counter-clock wise, the area enclosed by this
     loop is retained (as part of the domain), and the part outside is
     discarded. If a trim loop is oriented clock wise, the area enclosed by
     this loop is discarded, and the part outside is retained.

     It is assumed that any two trim loops do not intersect, and each trim
     loop does not intersect itself. If any of these conditions are violated,
     the result of the tessellation is not defined.

     The following suggestions should help to clarify these conventions. The
     outmost trim loop should be counter clockwise.  The one immediately
     enclosed by this outmost trim loop should be clockwise, etc.

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pfParaSurface(3pf)	      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages

     pfParaSurface::getClassType returns the pfType* for the class
     pfParaSurface.  The pfType* returned by pfParaSurface::getClassType is
     the same as the pfType* returned by invoking the virtual function getType
     on any instance of class pfParaSurface.  Because OpenGL Performer allows
     subclassing of built-in types, when decisions are made based on the type
     of an object, it is usually better to use	the member function isOfType
     to test if an object is of a type derived from a Performer type rather
     than to test for strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     pfParaSurface::addTrimCurve takes an input trim curve as specified by (c,
     d), and stick it to the end of the trim loop as indexed by loopNum. It is
     an error if the loop is already closed before adding this curve.

     pfParaSurface::clearTessellation removes all  the data resulted from
     previous tessellation. This allows this surface to be retessellated with
     a different tolerance. For each trim curve, the disCurve is deleted if
     the contCurve is not NULL. The xyzBoundary in its boundary structure (-
     pfBoundary) is deleted. Also the tessellated triangles (pfGeoSets) are

     pfParaSurface::eval evaluates the point, all the first and second order
     partial derivatives.

     pfParaSurface::evalD evaluates the directional derivatives along the
     direction which has the angle theta relative to u-axis.  The deriatives
     are stored in D.

     pfParaSurface::evalDD evaluates the second order directional derivatives
     along the direction which has the angle theta relative to u-axis. The
     deriatives are stored in DD.

     pfParaSurface::evalDu evaluates the partial derivatives of the surface
     with respect to parameter u at (u,v). The result is stored in Du.

     pfParaSurface:evalDuu evaluates the second order partial derivatives of
     the surface with respect to parameter u at (u,v).	The result is stored
     in Duu.

     pfParaSurface::evalDuv evaluates the second order mixed derivatives of
     the surface at (u,v). The result is stored in Duv.

     pfParaSurface::evalDv evaluates the partial derivatives of the surface
     with respect to parameter v at (u,v). The result is stored in Dv.

     pfParaSurface::evalDvv evaluates the second order partial derivatives of
     the surface with respect to parameter v at (u,v).	The result is stored
     in Dvv.

     pfParaSurface::evalNorm evaluates the surface normal at (u, v). The
     result is stored in norm.

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pfParaSurface(3pf)	      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages

     pfParaSurface::evalPt evaluates the xyz in the object space at (u, v).
     The result is stored in pnt.

     pfParaSurface::getBeginU returns beginU.

     pfParaSurface::getBeginV returns beginV.

     pfParaSurface::getEndU returns endU.

     pfParaSurface::getEndV returns endV.

     pfParaSurface::getHandednessHint returns true if clockwise, false

     pfParaSurface::getSolidId returns the solidId.

     pfParaSurface::getSurfaceId returns the surfaceId.

     pfParaSurface::getTopo returns the topology of the surface.

     pfParaSurface::getTopoId returns the topoId.

     pfParaSurface::getTrimCurve returns the trim curve indexed by loopNum and

     pfParaSurface::getTrimCurveCount returns the number of trim curves of the
     loop loopNum.

     pfParaSurface::getTrimLoopClosed returns the closedness (PFLOOP_OPEN,

     pfParaSurface::getTrimLoopCount returns the number of trim loops.

     pfParaSurface::insertTrimCurve takes an input trim curve as specified by
     (c, d), and linearly searches all the trim curves in the loop (specified
     by loopNum) to find any existing trim curve whose end point matches one
     or both the input curve's end point.

     If no matches are found, it is appended to at the end of the loop.

     pfParaSurface::setBeginU sets beginU to be u, and updates du.

     pfParaSurface::setBeginV sets beginV to be v, and updates dv.

     pfParaSurface::setEndU sets endU to be u, and updates du.

     pfParaSurface::setEndV sets endV to be v, and updates dv.

     pfParaSurface::setHandednessHint set a handedness hint about the surface.
     False means counter-clockwise (right-handed).

     pfParaSurface::solidId sets solidId.

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pfParaSurface(3pf)	      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpf C++ Reference Pages

     pfParaSurface::solidId sets surfaceId.

     pfParaSurface::solidId sets topoId.

     pfParaSurface::setTrimLoopClosed set trimLoopClosed[loopNum] to be

     pfParaSurface::getGState returns a pointer to the geostate used for
     tessellation of this surface.

     pfParaSurface::setGState sets the pointer for the geostate to be used
     during tessellation of this surface. Returns 1 if successful and -1

     pfTopo, pfEdge, pfCurve2d, pfDisCurve2d, pfBoundary, pfGeode, pfRep,
     pfGeoState, pfGeoSet, pfdTessellateGeometry

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