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pfGeoArray(3pf)			OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages

     pfNewGArray, pfGetGArrayClassType, pfGArraySetAttr, pfGArraySetMultiAttr,
     pfNumAttrsOfTypeGArray, pfRemoveAttrGArray, pfDisableAttrGArray,
     pfEnableAttrGArray, pfGArrayIndexArray, pfGetGArrayIndexArray,
     pfAllowCacheGArray, pfUpdateDataGArray, pfGetGArrayNumAttrs,
     pfGetGArrayNthAttr, pfGArrayIsStandardArray, pfGetGArrayArrayMemSize,
     pfGArrayDrawIndex, pfGArrayXformAttr, pfGArraySetupCoords,
     pfGArrayCleanupCoords, pfNewVAttr, pfVAttrAll, pfVAttrName,
     pfGetVAttrName, pfGetVAttrGLFunc, pfGetVAttrClientState, pfGetVAttrMask,
     pfGetVAttrInstance, pfGetVAttrMaskOff, pfVAttrPtr, pfGetVAttrPtr,
     pfVAttrStride, pfGetVAttrStride, pfVAttrDataType, pfGetVAttrDataType,
     pfVAttrSize, pfGetVAttrSize, pfVAttrCopy, pfVAttrCompare - Create, modify
     and query geometry set objects that use vertex arrays

     #include <Performer/pr.h>

     pfGeoArray*      pfNewGArray(void *arena);

     pfType*	      pfGetGArrayClassType(void);

     pfVertexAttr*    pfGArraySetAttr(pfGeoArray* _garray, int attrType,
			int size, GLenum type, GLenum stride, void *ptr);

     pfVertexAttr*    pfGArraySetMultiAttr(pfGeoArray* _garray, int attrType,
			int stage, int size, GLenum type, GLenum stride,
			void *ptr);

     int	      pfNumAttrsOfTypeGArray(const pfGeoArray* _garray,
			int attrType);

     void	      pfRemoveAttrGArray(pfGeoArray* _garray,
			pfVertexAttr *ai);

     void	      pfDisableAttrGArray(pfGeoArray* _garray,
			pfVertexAttr *ai);

     void	      pfEnableAttrGArray(pfGeoArray* _garray,
			pfVertexAttr *ai);

     void	      pfGArrayIndexArray(pfGeoArray* _garray,
			unsigned int *iarray);

     unsigned int*    pfGetGArrayIndexArray(const pfGeoArray* _garray);

     void	      pfAllowCacheGArray(pfGeoArray* _garray, int x);

     void	      pfUpdateDataGArray(pfGeoArray* _garray);

     int	      pfGetGArrayNumAttrs(const pfGeoArray* _garray);

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     pfVertexAttr*    pfGetGArrayNthAttr(const pfGeoArray* _garray, int n);

     int	      pfGArrayIsStandardArray(pfGeoArray* _garray,
			pfVertexAttr *ai, int *gtype, int *gindex);

     int	      pfGetGArrayArrayMemSize(pfGeoArray* _garray,
			pfVertexAttr *ai, int *elemSize);

     void	      pfGArrayDrawIndex(pfGeoArray* _garray);

     int	      pfGArrayXformAttr(pfGeoArray* _garray, GLenum attrType,
			int ptType, pfMatrix *xform);

     void	      pfGArraySetupCoords(pfGeoArray *dis);

     void	      pfGArrayCleanupCoords(pfGeoArray *dis);

     pfVertexAttr*    pfNewVAttr(pfGeoArray *parent, int attrType,
			void *arena);

     void	      pfVAttrAll(pfVertexAttr* _vattr, void *ptr,
			GLsizei stride, GLenum type, short size);

     void	      pfVAttrName(pfVertexAttr* _vattr, char *name);

     char*	      pfGetVAttrName(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     pfFunc	      pfGetVAttrGLFunc(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     GLenum	      pfGetVAttrClientState(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     unsigned short   pfGetVAttrMask(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     short	      pfGetVAttrInstance(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     short	      pfGetVAttrMaskOff(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     void	      pfVAttrPtr(pfVertexAttr* _vattr, void *data);

     void*	      pfGetVAttrPtr(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     void	      pfVAttrStride(pfVertexAttr* _vattr, GLsizei stride);

     GLsizei	      pfGetVAttrStride(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     void	      pfVAttrDataType(pfVertexAttr* _vattr, GLenum type);

     GLenum	      pfGetVAttrDataType(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     void	      pfVAttrSize(pfVertexAttr* _vattr, short size);

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     short	      pfGetVAttrSize(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr);

     int	      pfVAttrCopy(pfVertexAttr* _vattr,
			const pfVertexAttr *_src);

     int	      pfVAttrCompare(const pfVertexAttr* _vattr,
			const pfVertexAttr *_obj);

     The OpenGL Performer class pfGeoArray is derived from the parent class
     pfGeoSet, so each of these member functions of class pfGeoSet are also
     directly usable with objects of class pfGeoArray.	Casting an object of
     class pfGeoArray to an object of class pfGeoSet is taken care of
     automatically.  This is also true for casts to objects of ancestor
     classes of class pfGeoSet.

     void	      pfCompileGSet(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfDrawGSet(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfDrawHlightedGSet(pfGeoSet* gset);
     void	      pfGSetNumPrims(pfGeoSet *gset, int num);
     int	      pfGetGSetNumPrims(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetPrimType(pfGeoSet *gset, int type);
     int	      pfGetGSetPrimType(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetPrimLengths(pfGeoSet* gset, int *lengths);
     int *	      pfGetGSetPrimLengths(const pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	      pfGetGSetPrimLength(const pfGeoSet* gset, int i);
     void	      pfGSetAttr(pfGeoSet *gset, int attr, int bind,
			void *alist, ushort *ilist);
     int	      pfGetGSetAttrBind(const pfGeoSet *gset, int attr);
     void	      pfGetGSetAttrLists(const pfGeoSet *gset, int attr,
			void **alist, ushort **ilist);
     int	      pfGetGSetAttrRange(const pfGeoSet *gset, int attr,
			int *minIndex, int *maxIndex);
     void	      pfGSetMultiAttr(pfGeoSet *gset, int attr, int index,
			int bind, void *alist, ushort *ilist);
     int	      pfGetGSetMultiAttrBind(const pfGeoSet *gset, int attr,
			int index);
     void	      pfGetGSetMultiAttrLists(const pfGeoSet *gset, int attr,
			int index, void **alist, ushort **ilist);
     int	      pfGetGSetMultiAttrRange(const pfGeoSet *gset, int attr,
			int index, int *minIndex, int *maxIndex);
     void	      pfGSetDecalPlane(pfGeoSet *gset, pfPlane *plane);
     pfPlane *	      pfGetGSetDecalPlane(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetDrawMode(pfGeoSet *gset, int mode, int val);
     int	      pfGetGSetDrawMode(const pfGeoSet *gset, int mode);
     void	      pfGSetGState(pfGeoSet *gset, pfGeoState *gstate);
     pfGeoState *     pfGetGSetGState(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetGStateIndex(pfGeoSet *gset, int id);
     int	      pfGetGSetGStateIndex(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetLineWidth(pfGeoSet *gset, float width);

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     float	      pfGetGSetLineWidth(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetPntSize(pfGeoSet *gset, float size);
     float	      pfGetGSetPntSize(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetHlight(pfGeoSet* gset, pfHighlight *hlight);
     pfHighlight *    pfGetGSetHlight(const pfGeoSet* gset);
     void	      pfGSetDrawBin(pfGeoSet *gset, short bin);
     int	      pfGetGSetDrawBin(const pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetDrawOrder(pfGeoSet * gset, unsigned int order);
     unsigned int     pfGetGSetDrawOrder(const pfGeoSet *gset)
     void	      pfGSetPassFilter(uint mask);
     uint	      pfGetGSetPassFilter(void);
     void	      pfHideGSetStripPrim(const pfGeoSet* gset, int i);
     void	      pfUnhideGSetStripPrim(const pfGeoSet* gset, int i);
     int	      pfIsGSetStripPrimHidden(const pfGeoSet* gset, int i);
     int	      pfQueryGSet(const pfGeoSet* gset, uint which,
			void* dst);
     int	      pfMQueryGSet(const pfGeoSet* gset, uint* which,
			void* dst);
     void	      pfGSetBBox(pfGeoSet *gset, pfBox *box, int mode);
     int	      pfGetGSetBBox(pfGeoSet *gset, pfBox *box);
     void	      pfGSetBBoxFlux(pfGeoSet *gset, pfFlux *flux);
     pfFlux*	      pfGetGSetBBoxFlux(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetIsectMask(pfGeoSet *gset, uint mask, int setMode,
			int bitOp);
     uint	      pfGetGSetIsectMask(pfGeoSet *gset);
     int	      pfGSetIsectSegs(pfGeoSet *gset, pfSegSet *segSet,
			pfHit **hits[]);
     void	      pfGSetPassList(pfGeoSet *gset, pfPassList *passList);
     pfPassList *     pfGetGSetPassList(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetUpdateCteRefs(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetCalcTexBBox(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfGSetTexBBox_i(pfGeoSet *gset, uint centerS,
			uint centerT, uint halfwidth, uint halfheight);
     void	      pfGSetTexBBox_f(pfGeoSet *gset, float minS, float maxS,
			float minT, float maxT);
     int	      pfGetGSetTexBBox_i(pfGeoSet *gset, uint* centerS,
			uint* centerT, uint* halfwidth, uint* halfheight);
     int	      pfGetGSetTexBBox_f(pfGeoSet *gset, float* minS,
			float* maxS, float* minT, float* maxT);
     void	      pfGSetCteAttr(pfGeoSet *gset, int which, void* val);
     void*	      pfGetGSetCteAttr(pfGeoSet *gset, int which);
     void	      pfGSetAppearance(pfGeoSet *gset,
			islAppearance *appearance);
     islAppearance*   pfGetGSetAppearance(const pfGeoSet* gset);
     int	      pfGSetIsShaded(pfGeoSet *gset);
     void	      pfQuickCopyGSet(pfGeoSet *gset, pfGeoSet *src);
     void	      pfGSetQuickAttr(pfGeoSet *gset, int _attr, void* _alist,
			unsigned short* _ilist);
     void	      pfGSetQuickMultiAttr(pfGeoSet *gset, int _attr,
			int _index, void* _alist, unsigned short* _ilist);

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     void	      pfGSetQuickPrimLengths(pfGeoSet *gset, int *_lengths);
     void	      pfQuickResetGSet(pfGeoSet *gset, int extRefOnly);
     void	      pfGSetOptimize(int _state);
     int	      pfGetGSetOptimize(void);
     int	      pfFluxedGSetInit(pfFluxMemory *fmem);

     Since the class pfGeoSet is itself derived from the parent class
     pfObject, objects of class pfGeoArray can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfObject.

     void	   pfUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot, void *data);
     void	   pfUserData(pfObject *obj, void *data);
     void*	   pfGetUserDataSlot(pfObject *obj, int slot);
     void*	   pfGetUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNumUserData(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfGetNamedUserDataSlot(const char *name);
     const char*   pfGetUserDataSlotName(int slot);
     int	   pfGetNumNamedUserDataSlots(void);
     int	   pfGetGLHandle(pfObject *obj);
     int	   pfDeleteGLHandle(pfObject *obj);

     Since the class pfObject is itself derived from the parent class
     pfMemory, objects of class pfGeoArray can also be used with these
     functions designed for objects of class pfMemory.

     pfType *	    pfGetType(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsOfType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     int	    pfIsExactType(const void *ptr, pfType *type);
     const char *   pfGetTypeName(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnref(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfUnrefGetRef(void *ptr);
     int	    pfGetRef(const void *ptr);
     int	    pfCopy(void *dst, void *src);
     int	    pfDelete(void *ptr);
     int	    pfIsFluxed(void *ptr);
     int	    pfCompare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
     void	    pfPrint(const void *ptr, uint which, uint verbose,
		      FILE *file);
     void *	    pfGetArena(void *ptr);

     garray  identifies a pfGeoArray.

     The pfGeoArray (short for "Geometry Array") is a new OpenGL Performer
     data structure aimed at replacing the existing pfGeoSet.  Conceptually,
     pfGeoArrays are very similar to pfGeoSets, but they allow the user to

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     define new sets of attributes, in addition to the standard vertex
     coordinates, normals, texture coordinates, or colors.  These attributes
     can be used by vertex or fragment programs applied to the primitives (see
     pfVertexProgram and pfFragmentProgram).  Also, pfGeoArrays are rendered
     using vertex arrays and vertex objects making the rendering much more
     efficient. pfGeoArrays can be up to 10 times faster than pfGeoSets on

     Each pfGeoArray is a collection of geometry with one primitive type, such
     as points, lines, triangles.  Vertex coordinates, normals, colors,
     texture coordinates, and user defined attributes are used to specify the
     primitives.  There are two ways how the attributes are accessed. First,
     each attribute is specified per vertex, there is no notion of attribute
     per primitive or an overall attribute. Second, a single list of unsigned
     integers is used to index all attributes of a pfGeoArray.

     Indexing provides a more general mechanism for specifying geometry than
     hardwired attribute lists and in many cases provide a substantial memory
     savings due to shared attributes. Nonindexed pfGeoArrays's are sometimes
     easier to construct and may exhibit better caching behavior.  In our
     experience, though, indexing is often desirable approach, especially when
     your primitives share many vertices. Also, if you have a primitive with
     many triangle strips it is better to create a single pfGeoArray contating
     indexed triangles than to have a set of short pfGeoArrays, each
     containing one triangle strip.  The pfdOptimizeGraph functionality can be
     extremely useful for converting from pfGeoSet data to very fast
     pfGeoArray data.

     pfNewGArray creates and returns a handle to a pfGeoArray.	arena
     specifies a malloc arena out of which the pfGeoArray is allocated or NULL
     for allocation off the process heap.  pfGeoArrays can be deleted with

   pfGeoArray Attributes
     Attributes can be specified through the use of the pfGArraySetAttr and
     pfGArraySetMultiAttr functions.  These functions add or replace an
     attribute if it already exists. These take one of the following tokens
     for the attrType parameter:


     Some of these attributes require specific OpenGL extensions for their
     use.  The PFGA_COLOR2_ARRAY attribute requires the GL_ARB_secondary_color
     extension, the PFGA_FOG_ARRAY requires the GL_EXT_fog_coord extension,

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     and the PFGA_WEIGHT_ARRAY attribute requires the GL_ARB_vertex_blend
     extension.	 The PFGA_GENERIC_ARRAY token indicates the use of generic
     attributes as described in the OpenGL GL_ARB_vertex_program extension.
     The location of some generic attributes overlap the locations of
     traditional attributes.  If multiple attributes share the same location,
     Performer does not attempt to fix this problem, and will simply use the
     most recently specified attribute.	 The PFGA_TEX_COORD_ARRAY,
     PFGA_GENERIC_ARRAY, and PFGA_WEIGHT_ARRAY attribute types may be
     specified with a non-zero stage parameter, indicating the texture unit,
     generic location, or weight unit to place the data.

     The size for an attribute type must be one of 2, 3 or 4. The data type is

     The setAttr functions return a pointer to a pfVertexAttr which contains
     the related data to the newly created attribute.  This data can be
     updated through the use of the pfVertexAttr interface.  The name, data
     pointer, stride, data type and size of an attribute can be modified using
     the following functions:


     You can also remove an attribute using the function pfGArrayRemoveAttr.

     Multitexturing is supported by adding multiple PFGA_TEX_ARRAY vertex
     attributes and specifying different stages. For example:

	  pfGeoArray *gArray = pfNewGArray();

	  pfGArrayMultiAttr(gArray, PFGA_TEX_ARRAY, 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, baseCoords);
	  pfGArrayMultiAttr(gArray, PFGA_TEX_ARRAY, 1, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, bumpCoords);

	  /* set name for the two sets of tex coords we've just assigned */
	  pfVArrayName( pfGArrayQueryAttrTypeStage(gArray, PFGA_TEX_ARRAY, 0), "base texture coords");
	  pfVArrayName( pfGArrayQueryAttrTypeStage(gArray, PFGA_TEX_ARRAY, 1), "bump texture coords");

     Additionally, a user can disable and enable attributes using the
     pfDisableAttrGeoArray and pfEnableAttrGeoArray functions.	These
     functions do not remove the attributes from the pfGeoArray, but simply
     disable and enable specific attributes for rendering.

     For convenience, the function pfGetGArrayArrayMemSize is provided to
     quickly calculate the size in client memory the array of a data a single
     attribute consumes.  This does not neccesarily equal the amount of

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     graphics memory the attribute uses, but gives the number of bytes from
     beginning to end that the pfGeoArray expects are used by the data array
     of an attribute.

     In OpenGL Performer 3.2, all of the methods used to set attributes such
     as vertex coords, colors, etc, can be used via the existing pfGeoSet
     interface. In that sense, replace a call from 'pfNewGSet' with a call to
     new functionality. Note that indices will be copied if this happens
     because although pfGeoSets use unsigned shorts to store indices,
     pfGeoArrays use unsigned ints. Also, if more than one attribute for a
     geoset is specified with different indices then the attributes will be
     unrolled and the indices ignored.

     Also note that when using get methods which require a token which specify
     which attribute is requested, the token should be one of the pfGeoSet
     (and not pfGeoArray) tokens. For example:

	  int min, max;
	  pfGeoArray *gArray = ...;

	  /* this is ok: */
	  pfGetGArrayAttrRange(gArray, PFGS_COORD3, &min, &max);

	  /* this is incorrect */
	  pfGetGArrayAttrRange(gArray, PFGA_COORD_ARRAY, &min, &max);

     In future releases of OpenGL Performer this problem will be resolved but
     with OpenGL Performer 3.2 a conflict exists between the tokens used for
     pfGeoSets and pfGeoArrays. The underlying principle to keep in mind is
     that when using methods which are defined in the pfGeoSet class use
     pfGeoSet tokens and when using methods defined only in pfGeoArray then
     use pfGeoArray tokens.

     Note that since the pfGeoArray attributes are rendered in the order they
     were added, it is possible to interleave the attributes with your own
     callbacks, by creating special "callback" type with a function mask 0 (no
     callback data), or function mask 0x1 (callback data are used).

     It is possible to index the attributes, although unlike in a pfGeoSet, a
     single index list is used for all attributes.  The optional attribute
     index list is a list of unsigned short integers. The index list is
     specified using the function pfGArrayIndexArray.

     If attribute and index lists are allocated from the pfMalloc routines,
     pfGArraySetAttr and pfVAttrPtr will correctly update the reference counts
     of the lists.  Specifically, they will decrement the reference counts of
     the old lists and increment the reference counts of the new lists.	 It
     will also free any lists whose reference counts reach 0.  When a
     pfGeoArray is deleted with pfDelete, all pfMalloc'ed lists will have

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     their reference counts decremented by one and will be freed if their
     count reaches 0.

     When pfGeoArrays are copied with pfCopy, all pfMalloc'ed lists of the
     source pfGeoArray will have their reference counts incremented by one and
     those pfMalloc'ed lists of the destination pfGeoArray will have their
     reference counts decremented by one.  pfCopy copies lists only by
     reference (only the pointer is copied) and will not free any lists whose
     reference counts reach 0.

     Attribute data may be any of the following types of memory:

	  1.   Data allocated with pfMalloc. This is the usual, and
	       recommended memory type for pfGeoArray index and attribute

	  2.   Static, malloc(), amalloc(), usmalloc() etc, data subsequently
	       referred to as non-pfMalloc'ed data.  This type of memory is
	       not generally recommended since it does not support reference
	       counting or other features provided by pfMalloc.	 In
	       particular, the use of static data is highly discouraged and
	       may result in segmentation violations.

	  3.   pfFlux memory.  In a pipelined, multiprocessing environment, a
	       pfFlux provides multiple data buffers which allow frame-
	       accurate data modifications to pfGeoArray attribute arrays like
	       coordinates (facial animation), and texture coordinates (ocean
	       waves, surf).  pfGArrayAddAttr and pfGArrayAttrPtr and will
	       accept a pfFlux* or pfFluxMemory* for the attribute list (index
	       lists do not support pfFlux) and the pfGeoArray will select the
	       appropriate buffer when rendered or intersected with.  See
	       pfFlux for more details.

	       Since pfGeoArrays are chached using vertex array objects, if
	       you want to animate some attributes, you need to either disable
	       caching using function pfGArrayAllowCache or call the function
	       pfGArrayUpdateData each time you change any of the attribute

	  4.   pfCycleBuffer and pfCycleMemory.	 However pfCycleBuffer has
	       been obsoleted by pfFlux.  See pfCycleBuffer for more details.

     Performer allows mixing pfMalloc'ed, pfFlux and pfCycleBuffer attributes
     on a single pfGeoArray.

   pfGeoArray Primitive Types
     Example 1:

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	  /* Set up a non-indexed, TRISTRIP pfGeoArray */

	  garray = pfNewGArray(NULL);
	  pfGSetPrimType(garray, PFGS_TRISTRIPS);
	  pfGSetNumPrims(garray, 1);
	  lengths[0] = 4;
	  pfGSetPrimLengths(gset, lengths);

	  coords = (pfVec3*) pfMalloc(sizeof(pfVec3) * 4, NULL);
	  colors = (pfVec4*) pfMalloc(sizeof(pfVec4) * 4, NULL);

	  pfGArraySetAttr(garray, PFGA_COORD_ARRAY, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, coords);
	  pfGArraySetAttr(garray, PFGA_COLOR_ARRAY, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, colors);

     pfGetGSetClassType returns the pfType* for the class pfGeoArray.  The
     pfType* returned by pfGetGSetClassType is the same as the pfType*
     returned by invoking pfGetType on any instance of class pfGeoArray.
     Because OpenGL Performer allows subclassing of built-in types, when
     decisions are made based on the type of an object, it is usually better
     to use pfIsOfType to test if an object is of a type derived from a
     Performer type rather than to test for strict equality of the pfType*'s.

     The following example shows one way to create a pfGeoArray defining a
     hexahedron, which is also known as a cube.

	  static pfVec3 coords[] =
	      {-1.0, -1.0,  1.0}, /* front */
	      { 1.0, -1.0,  1.0},
	      { 1.0,  1.0,  1.0},
	      {-1.0,  1.0,  1.0},

	      {-1.0, -1.0,  1.0}, /* left */
	      {-1.0,  1.0,  1.0},
	      {-1.0,  1.0, -1.0},
	      {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0},

	      {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}, /* back */
	      {-1.0,  1.0, -1.0},
	      { 1.0,  1.0, -1.0},
	      { 1.0, -1.0, -1.0},

	      { 1.0, -1.0,  1.0}, /* right */
	      { 1.0, -1.0, -1.0},
	      { 1.0,  1.0, -1.0},
	      { 1.0,  1.0,  1.0},

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	      {-1.0,  1.0,  1.0}, /* top */
	      { 1.0,  1.0,  1.0},
	      { 1.0,  1.0, -1.0},
	      {-1.0,  1.0, -1.0},

	      {-1.0, -1.0,  1.0}, /* bottom */
	      {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0},
	      { 1.0, -1.0, -1.0},
	      { 1.0, -1.0,  1.0}

	  static pfVec3 norms[] =
	      { 0.0,  0.0,  1.0},
	      { 0.0,  0.0,  1.0},
	      { 0.0,  0.0,  1.0},
	      { 0.0,  0.0,  1.0},

	      {-1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
	      {-1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
	      {-1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
	      {-1.0,  0.0,  0.0},

	      { 0.0,  0.0, -1.0},
	      { 0.0,  0.0, -1.0},
	      { 0.0,  0.0, -1.0},
	      { 0.0,  0.0, -1.0},

	      { 1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
	      { 1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
	      { 1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
	      { 1.0,  0.0,  0.0},

	      { 0.0,  1.0,  0.0},
	      { 0.0,  1.0,  0.0},
	      { 0.0,  1.0,  0.0},
	      { 0.0,  1.0,  0.0},

	      { 0.0, -1.0,  0.0},
	      { 0.0, -1.0,  0.0},
	      { 0.0, -1.0,  0.0},
	      { 0.0, -1.0,  0.0}

	  /* Convert static data to pfMalloc'ed data */
	  static void*
	  memdup(void *mem, size_t bytes, void *arena)
	      void *data = pfMalloc(bytes, arena);
	      memcpy(data, mem, bytes);
	      return data;

								       Page 11

pfGeoArray(3pf)			OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages

	  /* Set up a PFGS_QUADS pfGeoArray */

	  garray = pfNewGArray(NULL);
	  pfGSetPrimType(garray, PFGS_QUADS);
	  pfGSetNumPrims(garray, 6);

	  pfGArraySetAttr(garray, PFGA_COORD_ARRAY, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0,
		    memdup(coords, sizeof(coords), NULL));
	  pfGArraySetAttr(garray, PFGA_NORMAL_ARRAY, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0,
		    memdup(norms, sizeof(norms), NULL));

     Unlike pfGeoSets we cannot index vertex coordinates and normals
     separately, resulting in a bigger memory requirements. The extra storage
     is worth the reduced rendering times, though.

     Another example of creating pfGeoArrays can be found in
     libpfdu/pfdConvertToGeoArrays.C and src/pguide/libpr/C++/geoArray.C.

   Converting pfGeoSets to pfGeoArrays
     Since using pfGeoArrays can be much faster on some platforms, such us
     Onyx4, you can convert your geometry from pfGeoSets to pfGeoArrays using
     two functions: pfdConvertGeoSetToGeoArray and
     pfdConvertNodeGeoSetsToGeoArrays. The first function converts an
     individial pfGeoSet into a pfGeoArray. The second function traverses a
     pfNode and replaces all its pfGeoSets to pfGeoArrays.  The parameter
     flags can be set to 0 or to PFD_CONVERT_TO_INDEXED_GEOARRAYS.  In the
     second case the loader tries to avoid the use of lengths array and it
     converts strips to indexed lines or triangles.

     Also, it is possible to use a pseudoloader .geoa to convert the geometry
     from pfGeoSets to pfGeoArrays during loading. The pseudoloader is used as
     follows: perfly file.ext.geoa. The pseudoloader calls
     pfdConvertNodeGeoSetsToGeoArrays with the flag
     PFD_CONVERT_TO_INDEXED_GEOARRAYS set. You can overwrite this default by
     setting the environment variable PFD_CONVERT_TO_INDEXED_GEOARRAYS to 0.


     On some hardware, the implementation of hardware cached vertex arrays may
     not be efficient.	In these cases, you may want to try to disable vertex
     buffer objects by setting environment variable
     PF_USE_VERTEX_BUFFER_OBJECTS to 0.	 On hardware that doesn't have support
     for the vertex_buffer_object or vertex_array_object extensions, while
     pfGeoArrays will still render correctly, they may not be as fast as
     rendering pfGeoSets, which are optimized for immediate mode rendering.

     Additionally, the rules for obtaining maximum performance with scene
     graphs involving pfGeoArrays can be different than those using pfGeoSets.

								       Page 12

pfGeoArray(3pf)			OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpr C Reference Pages

     For example, since unique pfGeoArrays will use different chunks of
     grahics memory, it is preferable to use instancing as much as possible.
     This implies that flattening scene graphs with instanced pfGeoArrays may
     actually hurt performance.

     pfGeoSet, pfApplyGState, pfColortable, pfCopy, pfCycleBuffer, pfDecal,
     pfDelete, pfDisable, pfDispList, pfEnable, pfFlux, pfFluxMemory,
     pfGeoState, pfHit, pfISL, pfLPointState, pfMalloc, pfMaterial,
     pfNewHlight, pfObject, pfOptimizeGraph, pfGSetIsectSegs, pfShadeModel,
     pfState, pfDispListOptimizer

								       Page 13


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