pfuGetFlybox man page on IRIX

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pfuFlybox(3pf)		      OpenGL Performer 3.2.2 libpfutil Reference Pages

     pfuOpenFlybox, pfuReadFlybox, pfuGetFlybox, pfuGetFlyboxActive,
     pfuInitFlybox - Routines to read the BG Systems flybox.

     #include <Performer/pfutil.h>

     int   pfuOpenFlybox(char *port);

     int   pfuReadFlybox(int *dioval, float *inbuf);

     int   pfuGetFlybox(float *analog, int *but);

     int   pfuGetFlyboxActive(void);

     int   pfuInitFlybox(void);

     These routines provide a simple interface to the BG Systems flybox but do
     not provide a flight model based on the flybox.

     pfuOpenFlybox opens the flybox port specified by port.

     pfuReadFlybox reads the values of the flybox digital inputs into dioval
     and stores the eight analog input values into inbuf.

     pfuGetFlybox reads the values of the flybox analog inputs into analog
     after setting them to zero if their absolute values are very small. It
     also stores the flybox digital inputs into but.

     pfuGetFlyboxActive returns whether the flybox is currently active.

     pfuInitFlybox initializes the flybox.  It uses pfuOpenFlybox and

     BG Systems Inc. is located in Palo Alto, California. Their telephone
     number is (415) 858-2628.

     The libpfutil source code, object code and documentation are provided as
     unsupported software.  Routines are subject to change in future releases.

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