pssplit man page on IRIX

Printed from

     PSSPLIT(1)	    FullPress by Xinet (10/14/99 10.1)	    PSSPLIT(1)

	  pssplit - split a PostScript file into separate single-page

	  /usr/etc/appletalk/pssplit [ -b ] [ -o destdir ] [ -n
	  filename ] [ -s suffix ] [ input ]

	  The program pssplit reads a PostScript print job file and
	  writes separate output files each containing one page of the
	  job, repeating the PostScript header and dictionaries in
	  each file.  While the resulting output files will not be
	  EPS, many applications that accept EPS will accept them.

	  The output file(s) written by pssplit will each have a
	  pathname of the form destdir/<num>of<pgs>suffix,
	  where <num> is the sequential page numbers, starting with 1,
	  and <pgs> is the total number of pages in the PostScript.
	  There is no default suffix.

	  If the input filename is not provided, pssplit will read
	  from standard input.	Warning:  when reading from standard
	  input, pssplit will not be able to fill out any (atend)
	  values in the PostScript header, which also means it might
	  not know in advance how many pages will be produced (i.e.
	  the pgs part of the output filenames will be ``0'').

	  -b   tells pssplit to save the last ImageableArea comment in
	       the input PostScript header and put its value into the
	       output PostScript header as a %%BoundingBox: comment.

	  -o   supplies the directory destdir (which must start with
	       `/') where pssplit will write its collection of output
	       files.  The default for destdir is the current working

	  -n   gives the filename portion of the output file
	       pathnames.  If there is no -n argument, the filename
	       defaults to the %%Title parameter in the PostScript
	       header.	If there is also no %%Title in the header,
	       filename will be the same as input, unless reading from
	       standard input, where filename defaults to pssplit.

	  -s   provides a suffix that is appended to each generated
	       output file name.  Note that there is not an implied
	       `.' or any other separation character added before the

	  Programs generating the PostScript must conform to

     Page 1					    (printed 1/20/100)

     PSSPLIT(1)	    FullPress by Xinet (10/14/99 10.1)	    PSSPLIT(1)

	  PostScript Document Structuring Comments conventions to be
	  split.  Jobs that claim to conform, but in fact do not, may
	  not split correctly.	This indicates a bug in the
	  application that generated the PostScript.

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