APM(8) BSD System Manager's Manual APM(8)NAMEapm - Advanced Power Management control program
zzz [-Sz] [-f sockname]
apm [-ablmsSvz] [-f sockname]
DESCRIPTIONapm communicates with the Advanced Power Management daemon, apmd(8), mak-
ing requests of it for current power status or to place the system into a
suspend or stand-by state. With no flags, apm displays the current power
management state in verbose form.
The options are as follows:
-a Display the external charger (A/C status). 0 means disconnected,
1 means connected, 2 means backup power source, and 255 means
-b Display the battery status. 0 means high, 1 means low, 2 means
critical, 3 means charging, 4 means absent, and 255 means unk-
-f sockname
Set the name of the socket via which to contact apmd(8) to
-l Display the estimated battery lifetime (in percent).
-m Display the estimated battery lifetime (in minutes).
-S Put the system into stand-by (light sleep) mode.
-s Display if power management is enabled.
-v Request more verbose description of the displayed states.
-z Put the system into suspend (deep sleep) mode.
The zzz variant on this command is an alternative for suspending the sys-
tem. With no arguments, zzz places the system into suspend mode. The com-
mand line flags serve the same purpose as for the apm variant of this
This command does not wait for positive confirmation that the requested
mode has been entered; to do so would mean the command does not return
until the system resumes from its sleep state.
/var/run/apmdev default Unix domain socket for communicating with
The -f flag may be used to specify an alternate socket name. The protec-
tion modes on this socket govern which users may access the APM func-
Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS Interface Specification (revision
1.2), Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation
The apm command appeared in NetBSD 1.3, OpenBSD support was added in
OpenBSD 1.2.
MirOS BSD #10-current March 18, 1996 1