rtas man page on Pidora

Printed from http://www.polarhome.com/service/man/?qf=rtas&af=0&tf=2&of=Pidora

RTAS(2)								       RTAS(2)

       rtas - Allows userspace to call RTAS (Run Time Abstraction Services)

       int ppc_rtas (struct rtas_args *uargs);

       ppc_rtas enables userspace manipulation of the RunTime Abstraction Ser‐
       vices (RTAS). RTAS provides for a portable method of access and setting
       system  information. For example, you could gather information on vari‐
       ous system sensors and set poweron values. RTAS	is  accessed  via  the
       /proc  entry  called  "rtas". Manipulations on RTAS are implemented via
       command line arguments on /proc/rtas.  The values for uargs vary great‐
       ly.  For more information, see the view/arch/ppcKconfig file.

       rtas returns 0 on success; otherwise it returns one of the errors list‐
       ed in the "Errors" section.

       -EPERM User does not have CAP_SYS_ADMIN capabilities.

	      Problem copying uargs values to/from user space.

	      Either number of uargs passed in too large or size of uargs  ar‐
	      ray too large.

       Niki Rahimi.


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