ldi_getmsg man page on Solaris

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ldi_putmsg(9F)		 Kernel Functions for Drivers		ldi_putmsg(9F)

       ldi_putmsg, ldi_getmsg - Read/write message blocks from/to a stream

       #include <sys/sunldi.h>

       int ldi_putmsg(ldi_handle_t lh, mblk_t *smp);

       int  ldi_getmsg(ldi_handle_t lh, mblk_t **rmp, timestruc_t *timeo);

       lh	       Layered handle.

       smp	       Message block to send.

       rmp	       Message block to receive.

       timeo	       Optional timeout for data reception.

       The  ldi_putmsg	function  allows a caller to send a message block to a
       streams device specified by the layered handle  lh.  Once  the  message
       (smp)  has  been	 passed	 to ldi_putmsg(), the caller must not free the
       message even if an error occurs.

       The ldi_getmsg() function allows a caller to receive  a	message	 block
       from  a streams device specified by the layered handle lh. Callers must
       free the message received with freemsg(9F).

       If a NULL timeout value is specified when the caller  receives  a  mes‐
       sage, the caller sleeps until a message is received.

       The ldi_putmsg() and ldi_getmsg() functions return 0 upon success. If a
       failure occurs before the request is passed to the device, the possible
       return  values are shown below. Otherwise any other error number may be
       returned by the device.

       EINVAL	       Invalid input parameters.

       ENOTSUP	       Operation is not supported for this device.

		       The ldi_getmsg() function may also return:

		       ETIME	       Returned if the timeout	timeo  expires
				       with no messages received.

       These functions may be called from user or kernel context.

SunOS 5.10			  3 June 2003			ldi_putmsg(9F)

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