mlib_GraphicsFillArc_X_8 man page on Solaris

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mlib_GraphicsFillArc(3MLIBmediaLib Library Functionmlib_GraphicsFillArc(3MLIB)

       mlib_GraphicsFillArc,  mlib_GraphicsFillArc_8, mlib_GraphicsFillArc_32,
       mlib_GraphicsFillArc_X_8, mlib_GraphicsFillArc_X_32,  mlib_GraphicsFil‐
       lArc_A_8,      mlib_GraphicsFillArc_A_32,     mlib_GraphicsFillArc_B_8,
       mlib_GraphicsFillArc_B_32, mlib_GraphicsFillArc_AB_8, mlib_GraphicsFil‐
       lArc_AB_32 - draw filled arc

       cc [ flag... ] file... -lmlib [ library... ]
       #include <mlib.h>

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_8(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_32(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_X_8(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c,
	   mlib_s32 c2);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_X_32(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c,
	   mlib_s32 c2);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_A_8(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_A_32(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_B_8(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c,
	   mlib_s32 a);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_B_32(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c,
	   mlib_s32 a);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_AB_8(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c,
	   mlib_s32 a);

       mlib_status mlib_GraphicsFillArc_AB_32(mlib_image *buffer, mlib_s16 x,
	   mlib_s16 y, mlib_s32 r, mlib_f32 t1, mlib_f32 t2, mlib_s32 c,
	   mlib_s32 a);

       Each  of the mlib_GraphicsFillArc_*() functions draws a filled arc with
       the center at (x, y), radius r, start angle t1, and end angle t2.

       Each of the mlib_GraphicsFillArc_X_*() functions draws a filled arc  in
       Xor mode as follows:

	     data[x,y] ^= c ^ c2

       Each  of	 the  mlib_GraphicsFillArc_A_*()  functions draws a filled arc
       with antialiasing.

       Each of the mlib_GraphicsFillArc_B_*() functions	 draws	a  filled  arc
       with alpha blending as follows:

	     data[x,y] = (data[x,y] * (255 - a) + c * a) / 255

       Each  of	 the  mlib_GraphicsFillArc_AB_*() functions draws a filled arc
       with antialiasing and alpha blending.

       Each of the functions takes some of the following arguments:

       buffer	 Pointer to the image into which the function is drawing.

       x	 X coordinate of the center.

       y	 Y coordinate of the center.

       r	 Radius of the arc.

       t1	 Start angle of the arc in radians.

       t2	 End angle of the arc in radians.

       c	 Color used in the drawing.

       c2	 Alternation color.

       a	 Alpha value for blending. 0 ≤ a ≤ 255.

       Each of the functions returns MLIB_SUCCESS if successful. Otherwise  it
       returns MLIB_FAILURE.

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       │      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     │	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   │
       │Interface Stability	     │Committed			   │
       │MT-Level		     │MT-Safe			   │

       mlib_GraphicsFillCircle(3MLIB),	      mlib_GraphicsFillEllipse(3MLIB),

SunOS 5.10			  2 Mar 2007	   mlib_GraphicsFillArc(3MLIB)

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