sigrelse man page on Solaris

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signal(3C)		 Standard C Library Functions		    signal(3C)

       signal,	sigset,	 sighold,  sigrelse,  sigignore, sigpause - simplified
       signal management for application processes

       #include <signal.h>

       void (*signal(int sig, void (*disp)(int)))(int);

       void (*sigset(int sig, void (*disp)(int)))(int);

       int sighold(int sig);

       int sigrelse(int sig);

       int sigignore(int sig);

       int sigpause(int sig);

       These functions provide simplified signal  management  for  application
       processes.  See	signal.h(3HEAD)	 for  an explanation of general signal

       The signal() and sigset() functions modify signal dispositions. The sig
       argument	 specifies  the signal, which may be any signal except SIGKILL
       and  SIGSTOP.  The disp argument specifies  the	signal's  disposition,
       which  may  be SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN, or the address of a signal handler. If
       signal() is used, disp is the address of a signal handler, and  sig  is
       not   SIGILL,  SIGTRAP,	or  SIGPWR, the system first sets the signal's
       disposition  to	 SIG_DFL  before  executing  the  signal  handler.  If
       sigset()	 is used and disp is the address of a signal handler, the sys‐
       tem adds sig to the calling process's signal  mask before executing the
       signal  handler;	 when  the signal handler returns, the system restores
       the calling process's signal mask to its state prior to the delivery of
       the  signal.  In	 addition,  if	sigset()  is used and disp is equal to
       SIG_HOLD, sig is added to the calling process's	signal	mask  and  the
       signal's disposition remains unchanged.

       The sighold() function adds sig to the calling process's signal mask.

       The  sigrelse()	function removes sig from the calling process's signal

       The sigignore() function sets the disposition of sig to	SIG_IGN.

       The sigpause() function removes sig from the calling  process's	signal
       mask  and suspends the calling process until a signal is received.

       Upon successful completion, signal() returns the signal's previous dis‐
       position. Otherwise, it returns	SIG_ERR and sets errno to indicate the

       Upon successful completion, sigset() returns SIG_HOLD if the signal had
       been blocked or the signal's previous disposition if it	had  not  been
       blocked.	 Otherwise, it returns	SIG_ERR and sets errno to indicate the

       Upon successful completion,  sighold(),	sigrelse(),  sigignore(),  and
       sigpause(),  return   0.	 Otherwise,  they return  −1 and set  errno to
       indicate the error.

       These functions fail if:

       EINTR	 A signal was caught during the execution sigpause().

       EINVAL	 The value of the sig argument is not a	 valid	signal	or  is
		 equal to  SIGKILL or  SIGSTOP.

       The  sighold()  function	 used  in  conjunction with sigrelse() or sig‐
       pause() may be used to establish critical regions of code that  require
       the delivery of a signal to be temporarily deferred.

       If signal() or sigset() is used to set  SIGCHLD's disposition to a sig‐
       nal handler, SIGCHLD will not be sent when the calling process's	 chil‐
       dren are stopped or continued.

       If  any of the above functions are used to set SIGCHLD's disposition to
       SIG_IGN, the calling process's child processes will not	create	zombie
       processes  when	they  terminate	 (see exit(2)). If the calling process
       subsequently waits for its children, it blocks until all of  its	 chil‐
       dren  terminate;	 it  then  returns  −1	with  errno set to ECHILD (see
       wait(3C) and waitid(2)).

       The system guarantees that if more than one instance of the same signal
       is  generated  to  a process, at least one signal will be received.  It
       does not guarantee the reception of every generated signal.

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       │      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     │	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   │
       │Interface Stability	     │Standard			   │
       │MT-Level		     │MT-Safe			   │

       exit(2), kill(2), pause(2), sigaction(2), sigsend(2),  waitid(2),  sig‐
       nal.h(3HEAD), wait(3C), attributes(5), standards(5)

SunOS 5.10			  6 Sep 2007			    signal(3C)

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