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Internet(3)	      User Contributed Perl Documentation	   Internet(3)

       Win32::Internet - Access to WININET.DLL functions

       This extension to Perl implements the Win32 Internet APIs (found in
       WININET.DLL). They give a complete support for HTTP, FTP and GOPHER

       See the "Version History" and the "Functions Table" for a list of the
       currently supported features. You should also get a copy of the
       "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" documentation.

       To use this module, first add the following line at the beginning of
       your script:

	   use Win32::Internet;

       Then you have to open an Internet connection with this command:

	   $Connection = new Win32::Internet();

       This is required to use any of the function of this module.  It will
       create an Internet object in Perl on which you can act upon with the
       "General Internet Functions" explained later.

       The objects available are:

       ·   Internet connections (the main object, see "new")

       ·   URLs (see "OpenURL")

       ·   FTP sessions (see "FTP")

       ·   HTTP sessions (see "HTTP")

       ·   HTTP requests (see "OpenRequest")

       As in the good Perl tradition, there are in this extension different
       ways to do the same thing; there are, in fact, different levels of
       implementation of the Win32 Internet Functions.	Some routines use
       several Win32 API functions to perform a complex task in a single call;
       they are simpler to use, but of course less powerful.

       There are then other functions that implement nothing more and nothing
       less than the corresponding API function, so you can use all of their
       power, but with some additional programming steps.

       To make an example, there is a function called "FetchURL" that you can
       use to fetch the content of any HTTP, FTP or GOPHER URL with this
       simple commands:

	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	   $file = $INET->FetchURL("");

       You can have the same result (and this is actually what is done by
       "FetchURL") this way:

	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	   $URL = $INET->OpenURL("");
	   $file = $URL->ReadFile();

       Or, you can open a complete HTTP session:

	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	   $HTTP = $INET->HTTP("", "anonymous", "");
	   ($statuscode, $headers, $file) = $HTTP->Request("/");

       Finally, you can choose to manage even the HTTP request:

	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	   $HTTP = $INET->HTTP("", "anonymous", "");
	   $HTTP->OpenRequest($REQ, "/");
	   $REQ->AddHeader("If-Modified-Since: Saturday, 16-Nov-96 15:58:50 GMT");
	   $statuscode = $REQ->QueryInfo("",HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE);
	   $lastmodified = $REQ->QueryInfo("Last-Modified");
	   $file = $REQ->ReadEntireFile();

       To open and control a complete FTP session, type:

	   $Connection->FTP($Session, "", "anonymous", "dada\");

       This will create an FTP object in Perl to which you can apply the "FTP
       functions" provided by the package:


       For a more complete example, see the TEST.PL file that comes with the

   General Internet Functions
       General Note

       All methods assume that you have the line:

	   use Win32::Internet;

       somewhere before the method calls, and that you have an Internet object
       called $INET which was created using this call:

	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();

       See "new" for more information.


       CanonicalizeURL URL, [flags]
	   Converts a URL to a canonical format, which includes converting
	   unsafe characters to escape sequences.  Returns the canonicalized
	   URL or "undef" on errors.  For the possible values of flags, refer
	   to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" document.  See also
	   "CombineURL" and "OpenURL".


	       $cURL = $INET->CanonicalizeURL($URL);
	       $URL = $INET->CanonicalizeURL($cURL, ICU_DECODE);

       Close object
	   Closes an Internet connection.  This can be applied to any
	   Win32::Internet object (Internet connections, URLs, FTP sessions,
	   etc.).  Note that it is not "strictly" required to close the
	   connections you create, since the Win32::Internet objects are
	   automatically closed when the program ends (or when you elsehow
	   destroy such an object).


	       $INET->Close($FTP); # same as above...

       CombineURL baseURL, relativeURL, [flags]
	   Combines a base and relative URL into a single URL.	Returns the
	   (canonicalized) combined URL or "undef" on errors.  For the
	   possible values of flags, refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet
	   Functions" document.	 See also "CombineURL" and "OpenURL".


	       $URL = $INET->CombineURL("", "..");

       ConnectBackoff [value]
	   Reads or sets the delay value, in milliseconds, to wait between
	   connection retries.	If no value parameter is specified, the
	   current value is returned; otherwise, the delay between retries is
	   set to value.  See also "ConnectTimeout", "ConnectRetries",
	   "QueryOption" and "SetOption".


	       $backoff = $HTTP->ConnectBackoff();

       ConnectRetries [value]
	   Reads or sets the number of times a connection is retried before
	   considering it failed.  If no value parameter is specified, the
	   current value is returned; otherwise, the number of retries is set
	   to value.  The default value for "ConnectRetries" is 5.  See also
	   "ConnectBackoff", "ConnectTimeout", "QueryOption" and "SetOption".


	       $retries = $HTTP->ConnectRetries();

       ConnectTimeout [value]
	   Reads or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) before a
	   connection is considered failed.  If no value parameter is
	   specified, the current value is returned; otherwise, the timeout is
	   set to value.  The default value for "ConnectTimeout" is infinite.
	   See also "ConnectBackoff", "ConnectRetries", "QueryOption" and


	       $timeout = $HTTP->ConnectTimeout();

       ControlReceiveTimeout [value]
	   Reads or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) to use for non-
	   data (control) receive requests before they are canceled.
	   Currently, this value has meaning only for "FTP" sessions.  If no
	   value parameter is specified, the current value is returned;
	   otherwise, the timeout is set to value.  The default value for
	   "ControlReceiveTimeout" is infinite.	 See also
	   "ControlSendTimeout", "QueryOption" and "SetOption".


	       $timeout = $HTTP->ControlReceiveTimeout();

       ControlSendTimeout [value]
	   Reads or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) to use for non-
	   data (control) send requests before they are canceled.  Currently,
	   this value has meaning only for "FTP" sessions.  If no value
	   parameter is specified, the current value is returned; otherwise,
	   the timeout is set to value.	 The default value for
	   "ControlSendTimeout" is infinite.  See also
	   "ControlReceiveTimeout", "QueryOption" and "SetOption".


	       $timeout = $HTTP->ControlSendTimeout();

       CrackURL URL, [flags]
	   Splits an URL into its component parts and returns them in an
	   array.  Returns "undef" on errors, otherwise the array will contain
	   the following values: scheme, host, port, username, password, path,

	   For example, the URL "" can be
	   splitted in:

	       http,, 80, anonymous,, /index.html, #top

	   If you don't specify a flags parameter, ICU_ESCAPE will be used by
	   default; for the possible values of flags refer to the "Microsoft
	   Win32 Internet Functions" documentation.  See also "CreateURL".


	       ($scheme, $host, $port, $user, $pass, $path, $extra) =

       CreateURL scheme, hostname, port, username, password, path, extrainfo,
       CreateURL hashref, [flags]
	   Creates a URL from its component parts.  Returns "undef" on errors,
	   otherwise the created URL.

	   If you pass hashref (a reference to an hash array), the following
	   values are taken from the array:

		 "scheme"    => "scheme",
		 "hostname"  => "hostname",
		 "port"	     => port,
		 "username"  => "username",
		 "password"  => "password",
		 "path"	     => "path",
		 "extrainfo" => "extrainfo",

	   If you don't specify a flags parameter, ICU_ESCAPE will be used by
	   default; for the other possible values of flags refer to the
	   "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" documentation.	See also


	       $URL=$I->CreateURL("http", "", 80, "", "", "/perl-win32/index.sht", "#feedback");

       DataReceiveTimeout [value]
	   Reads or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) to use for data
	   receive requests before they are canceled.  If no value parameter
	   is specified, the current value is returned; otherwise, the timeout
	   is set to value.  The default value for DataReceiveTimeout is
	   infinite.  See also "DataSendTimeout", "QueryOption" and


	       $timeout = $HTTP->DataReceiveTimeout();

       DataSendTimeout [value]
	   Reads or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) to use for data
	   send requests before they are canceled.  If no value parameter is
	   specified, the current value is returned; otherwise, the timeout is
	   set to value.  The default value for DataSendTimeout is infinite.
	   See also "DataReceiveTimeout", "QueryOption" and "SetOption".


	       $timeout = $HTTP->DataSendTimeout();

	   Returns the last recorded error in the form of an array or string
	   (depending upon the context) containing the error number and an
	   error description.  Can be applied on any Win32::Internet object
	   (FTP sessions, etc.).  There are 3 types of error you can
	   encounter; they are recognizable by the error number returned:

	   ·   -1

	       A "trivial" error has occurred in the package.  For example,
	       you tried to use a method on the wrong type of object.

	   ·   1 .. 11999

	       A generic error has occurred and the Win32::GetLastError error
	       message is returned.

	   ·   12000 and higher

	       An Internet error has occurred; the extended Win32 Internet API
	       error message is returned.

	   See also "GetResponse".


	       die $INET->Error(), qq(\n);
	       ($ErrNum, $ErrText) = $INET->Error();

       FetchURL URL
	   Fetch the content of an HTTP, FTP or GOPHER URL.  Returns the
	   content of the file read (or "undef" if there was an error and
	   nothing was read).  See also "OpenURL" and "ReadFile".


	       $file = $INET->FetchURL("");
	       $file = $INET->FetchURL("");

       FTP ftpobject, server, username, password, [port, pasv, context]
       FTP ftpobject, hashref
	   Opens an FTP connection to server logging in with the given
	   username and password.

	   The parameters and their values are:

	   ·   server

	       The server to connect to.  Default: none.

	   ·   username

	       The username used to login to the server.  Default: anonymous.

	   ·   password

	       The password used to login to the server.  Default: none.

	   ·   port

	       The port of the FTP service on the server.  Default: 21.

	   ·   pasv

	       If it is a value other than 0, use passive transfer mode.
	       Default is taken from the parent Internet connection object;
	       you can set this value with the "Pasv" method.

	   ·   context

	       A number to identify this operation if it is asynchronous.  See
	       "SetStatusCallback" and "GetStatusCallback" for more info on
	       asynchronous operations.	 Default: none.

	   If you pass hashref (a reference to an hash array), the following
	   values are taken from the array:

		 "server"   => "server",
		 "username" => "username",
		 "password" => "password",
		 "port"	    => port,
		 "pasv"	    => pasv,
		 "context"  => context,

	   This method returns "undef" if the connection failed, a number
	   otherwise.  You can then call any of the "FTP functions" as methods
	   of the newly created ftpobject.


	       $result = $INET->FTP($FTP, "", "anonymous", "dada\");
	       # and then for example...

	       $params{"server"} = "";
	       $params{"password"} = "dada\";
	       $params{"pasv"} = 0;
	       $result = $INET->FTP($FTP,\%params);

	   Returns the text sent by a remote server in response to the last
	   function executed.  It applies on any Win32::Internet object,
	   particularly of course on FTP sessions.  See also the "Error"


	       print $INET->GetResponse();
	       $INET->FTP($FTP, "", "anonymous", "dada\");
	       print $FTP->GetResponse();

       GetStatusCallback context
	   Returns information about the progress of the asynchronous
	   operation identified by context; those informations consist of two
	   values: a status code (one of the INTERNET_STATUS_* "Constants")
	   and an additional value depending on the status code; for example,
	   if the status code returned is INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED, the
	   second value will hold the handle just created.  For more
	   informations on those values, please refer to the "Microsoft Win32
	   Internet Functions" documentation.  See also "SetStatusCallback".


	       ($status, $info) = $INET->GetStatusCallback(1);

       HTTP httpobject, server, username, password, [port, flags, context]
       HTTP httpobject, hashref
	   Opens an HTTP connection to server logging in with the given
	   username and password.

	   The parameters and their values are:

	   ·   server

	       The server to connect to.  Default: none.

	   ·   username

	       The username used to login to the server.  Default: anonymous.

	   ·   password

	       The password used to login to the server.  Default: none.

	   ·   port

	       The port of the HTTP service on the server.  Default: 80.

	   ·   flags

	       Additional flags affecting the behavior of the function.
	       Default: none.

	   ·   context

	       A number to identify this operation if it is asynchronous.  See
	       "SetStatusCallback" and "GetStatusCallback" for more info on
	       asynchronous operations.	 Default: none.

	   Refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" documentation for
	   more details on those parameters.

	   If you pass hashref (a reference to an hash array), the following
	   values are taken from the array:

		 "server"   => "server",
		 "username" => "username",
		 "password" => "password",
		 "port"	    => port,
		 "flags"    => flags,
		 "context"  => context,

	   This method returns "undef" if the connection failed, a number
	   otherwise.  You can then call any of the "HTTP functions" as
	   methods of the newly created httpobject.


	       $result = $INET->HTTP($HTTP,"","anonymous","dada\");
	       # and then for example...
	       ($statuscode, $headers, $file) = $HTTP->Request("/gifs/camel.gif");

	       $params{"server"} = "";
	       $params{"password"} = "dada\";
	       $params{"flags"} = INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD;
	       $result = $INET->HTTP($HTTP,\%params);

       new Win32::Internet [useragent, opentype, proxy, proxybypass, flags]
       new Win32::Internet [hashref]
	   Creates a new Internet object and initializes the use of the
	   Internet functions; this is required before any of the functions of
	   this package can be used.  Returns "undef" if the connection fails,
	   a number otherwise.	The parameters and their values are:

	   ·   useragent

	       The user agent passed to HTTP requests.	See "OpenRequest".
	       Default: Perl-Win32::Internet/version.

	   ·   opentype

	       How to access to the Internet (eg. directly or using a proxy).

	   ·   proxy

	       Name of the proxy server (or servers) to use.  Default: none.

	   ·   proxybypass

	       Optional list of host names or IP addresses, or both, that are
	       known locally.  Default: none.

	   ·   flags

	       Additional flags affecting the behavior of the function.
	       Default: none.

	   Refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" documentation for
	   more details on those parameters.  If you pass hashref (a reference
	   to an hash array), the following values are taken from the array:

		 "useragent"   => "useragent",
		 "opentype"    => "opentype",
		 "proxy"       => "proxy",
		 "proxybypass" => "proxybypass",
		 "flags"       => flags,


	       $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	       die qq(Cannot connect to Internet...\n) if ! $INET;

	       $INET = new Win32::Internet("Mozilla/3.0", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, "", "");

	       $params{"flags"} = INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC;
	       $INET = new Win32::Internet(\%params);

       OpenURL urlobject, URL
	   Opens a connection to an HTTP, FTP or GOPHER Uniform Resource
	   Location (URL).  Returns "undef" on errors or a number if the
	   connection was succesful.  You can then retrieve the URL content by
	   applying the methods "QueryDataAvailable" and "ReadFile" on the
	   newly created urlobject.  See also "FetchURL".


	       $INET->OpenURL($URL, "");
	       $bytes = $URL->QueryDataAvailable();
	       $file = $URL->ReadEntireFile();

       Password [password]
	   Reads or sets the password used for an "FTP" or "HTTP" connection.
	   If no password parameter is specified, the current value is
	   returned; otherwise, the password is set to password.  See also
	   "Username", "QueryOption" and "SetOption".


	       $password = $HTTP->Password();

	   Returns the number of bytes of data that are available to be read
	   immediately by a subsequent call to "ReadFile" (or "undef" on
	   errors).  Can be applied to URL or HTTP request objects.  See
	   "OpenURL" or "OpenRequest".


	       $INET->OpenURL($URL, "");
	       $bytes = $URL->QueryDataAvailable();

       QueryOption option
	   Queries an Internet option.	For the possible values of option,
	   refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" document.	See
	   also "SetOption".


	       $value = $INET->QueryOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
	       $value = $HTTP->QueryOption(INTERNET_OPTION_USERNAME);

	   Reads all the data available from an opened URL or HTTP request
	   object.  Returns what have been read or "undef" on errors.  See
	   also "OpenURL", "OpenRequest" and "ReadFile".


	       $INET->OpenURL($URL, "");
	       $file = $URL->ReadEntireFile();

       ReadFile bytes
	   Reads bytes bytes of data from an opened URL or HTTP request
	   object.  Returns what have been read or "undef" on errors.  See
	   also "OpenURL", "OpenRequest", "QueryDataAvailable" and

	   Note: be careful to keep bytes to an acceptable value (eg.  don't
	   tell him to swallow megabytes at once...).  "ReadEntireFile" in
	   fact uses "QueryDataAvailable" and "ReadFile" in a loop to read no
	   more than 16k at a time.


	       $INET->OpenURL($URL, "");
	       $chunk = $URL->ReadFile(16000);

       SetOption option, value
	   Sets an Internet option.  For the possible values of option, refer
	   to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" document.  See also



	   Initializes the callback routine used to return data about the
	   progress of an asynchronous operation.



	   This is one of the step required to perform asynchronous
	   operations; the complete procedure is:

	       # use the INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC when initializing
	       $INET = new Win32::Internet(\%params);

	       # initialize the callback routine

	       # specify the context parameter (the last 1 in this case)
	       $INET->HTTP($HTTP, "", "anonymous", "dada\", 80, 0, 1);

	   At this point, control returns immediately to Perl and
	   $INET->Error() will return 997, which means an asynchronous I/O
	   operation is pending.  Now, you can call


	   in a loop to verify what's happening; see also "GetStatusCallback".

       TimeConvert time
       TimeConvert seconds, minute, hours, day, month, year, day_of_week, RFC
	   The first form takes a HTTP date/time string and returns the
	   date/time converted in the following array: seconds, minute, hours,
	   day, month, year, day_of_week.

	   The second form does the opposite (or at least it should, because
	   actually seems to be malfunctioning): it takes the values and
	   returns an HTTP date/time string, in the RFC format specified by
	   the RFC parameter (OK, I didn't find yet any accepted value in the
	   range 0..2000, let me know if you have more luck with it).


	       ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mday, $year, $wday) =
		  $INET->TimeConvert("Sun, 26 Jan 1997 20:01:52 GMT");

	       # the opposite DOESN'T WORK! which value should $RFC have???
	       $time = $INET->TimeConvert(52, 1, 20, 26, 1, 1997, 0, $RFC);

       UserAgent [name]
	   Reads or sets the user agent used for HTTP requests.	 If no name
	   parameter is specified, the current value is returned; otherwise,
	   the user agent is set to name.  See also "QueryOption" and


	       $useragent = $INET->UserAgent();

       Username [name]
	   Reads or sets the username used for an "FTP" or "HTTP" connection.
	   If no name parameter is specified, the current value is returned;
	   otherwise, the username is set to name.  See also "Password",
	   "QueryOption" and SetOption.


	       $username = $HTTP->Username();

	   Returns the version numbers for the Win32::Internet package and the
	   WININET.DLL version, as an array or string, depending on the
	   context.  The string returned will contain
	   "package_version/DLL_version", while the array will contain:
	   "package_version", "DLL_version".


	       $version = $INET->Version(); # should return "0.06/4.70.1215"
	       @version = $INET->Version(); # should return ("0.06", "4.70.1215")

   FTP Functions
       General Note

       All methods assume that you have the following lines:

	   use Win32::Internet;
	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	   $INET->FTP($FTP, "hostname", "username", "password");

       somewhere before the method calls; in other words, we assume that you
       have an Internet object called $INET and an open FTP session called

       See "new" and "FTP" for more information.


       Asc Sets the ASCII transfer mode for this FTP session.  It will be
	   applied to the subsequent "Get" functions.  See also the "Binary"
	   and "Mode" function.



       Bin Sets the binary transfer mode for this FTP session.	It will be
	   applied to the subsequent "Get" functions.  See also the "Ascii"
	   and "Mode" function.



       Cd path
       Cwd path
       Chdir path
	   Changes the current directory on the FTP remote host.  Returns path
	   or "undef" on error.



       Delete file
       Del file
	   Deletes a file on the FTP remote host.  Returns "undef" on error.



       Get remote, [local, overwrite, flags, context]
	   Gets the remote FTP file and saves it locally in local.  If local
	   is not specified, it will be the same name as remote.  Returns
	   "undef" on error.  The parameters and their values are:

	   ·   remote

	       The name of the remote file on the FTP server.  Default: none.

	   ·   local

	       The name of the local file to create.  Default: remote.

	   ·   overwrite

	       If 0, overwrites local if it exists; with any other value, the
	       function fails if the local file already exists.	 Default: 0.

	   ·   flags

	       Additional flags affecting the behavior of the function.
	       Default: none.

	   ·   context

	       A number to identify this operation if it is asynchronous.  See
	       "SetStatusCallback" and "GetStatusCallback" for more info on
	       asynchronous operations.	 Default: none.

	   Refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" documentation for
	   more details on those parameters.


	       $FTP->Get("/pub/perl/languages/CPAN/00index.html", "CPAN_index.html");

       List [pattern, listmode]
       Ls [pattern, listmode]
       Dir [pattern, listmode]
	   Returns a list containing the files found in this directory,
	   eventually matching the given pattern (which, if omitted, is
	   considered "*.*").  The content of the returned list depends on the
	   listmode parameter, which can have the following values:

	   ·   listmode=1 (or omitted)

	       the list contains the names of the files found.	Example:

		   @files = $FTP->List();
		   @textfiles = $FTP->List("*.txt");
		   foreach $file (@textfiles) {
		     print "Name: ", $file, "\n";

	   ·   listmode=2

	       the list contains 7 values for each file, which respectively

	       ·   the file name

	       ·   the DOS short file name, aka 8.3

	       ·   the size

	       ·   the attributes

	       ·   the creation time

	       ·   the last access time

	       ·   the last modified time


		   @files = $FTP->List("*.*", 2);
		   for($i=0; $i<=$#files; $i+=7) {
		     print "Name: ", @files[$i], "\n";
		     print "Size: ", @files[$i+2], "\n";
		     print "Attr: ", @files[$i+3], "\n";

	   ·   listmode=3

	       the list contains a reference to an hash array for each found
	       file; each hash contains:

	       ·   name => the file name

	       ·   altname => the DOS short file name, aka 8.3

	       ·   size => the size

	       ·   attr => the attributes

	       ·   ctime => the creation time

	       ·   atime => the last access time

	       ·   mtime => the last modified time


		   @files = $FTP->List("*.*", 3);
		   foreach $file (@files) {
		     print $file->{'name'}, " ", $file->{'size'}, " ", $file->{'attr'}, "\n";

	       Note: all times are reported as strings of the following
	       format: second, hour, minute, day, month, year.


		   $file->{'mtime'} == "0,10,58,9,12,1996" stands for 09 Dec 1996 at 10:58:00

       Mkdir name
       Md name
	   Creates a directory on the FTP remote host.	Returns "undef" on



       Mode [mode]
	   If called with no arguments, returns the current transfer mode for
	   this FTP session ("asc" for ASCII or "bin" for binary).  The mode
	   argument can be "asc" or "bin", in which case the appropriate
	   transfer mode is selected.  See also the Ascii and Binary
	   functions.  Returns "undef" on errors.


	       print "Current mode is: ", $FTP->Mode();
	       $FTP->Mode("asc"); # ...	 same as $FTP->Ascii();

       Pasv [mode]
	   If called with no arguments, returns 1 if the current FTP session
	   has passive transfer mode enabled, 0 if not.

	   You can call it with a mode parameter (0/1) only as a method of a
	   Internet object (see "new"), in which case it will set the default
	   value for the next "FTP" objects you create (read: set it before,
	   because you can't change this value once you opened the FTP


	       print "Pasv is: ", $FTP->Pasv();

	       $INET->FTP($FTP,"", "anonymous", "dada\");
	       $FTP->Pasv(0); # this will be ignored...

       Put local, [remote, context]
	   Upload the local file to the FTP server saving it under the name
	   remote, which if if omitted is the same name as local.  Returns
	   "undef" on error.

	   context is a number to identify this operation if it is
	   asynchronous.  See "SetStatusCallback" and "GetStatusCallback" for
	   more info on asynchronous operations.


	       $FTP->Put("d:/users/dada/", "/temp/");

       Pwd Returns the current directory on the FTP server or "undef" on


	       $path = $FTP->Pwd();

       Rename oldfile, newfile
       Ren oldfile, newfile
	   Renames a file on the FTP remote host.  Returns "undef" on error.


	       $FTP->Rename("", "");

       Rmdir name
       Rd name
	   Removes a directory on the FTP remote host.	Returns "undef" on



   HTTP Functions
       General Note

       All methods assume that you have the following lines:

	   use Win32::Internet;
	   $INET = new Win32::Internet();
	   $INET->HTTP($HTTP, "hostname", "username", "password");

       somewhere before the method calls; in other words, we assume that you
       have an Internet object called $INET and an open HTTP session called

       See "new" and "HTTP" for more information.


       AddHeader header, [flags]
	   Adds HTTP request headers to an HTTP request object created with
	   "OpenRequest".  For the possible values of flags refer to the
	   "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" document.


	       $REQUEST->AddHeader("If-Modified-Since:	Sunday, 17-Nov-96 11:40:03 GMT");
	       $REQUEST->AddHeader("Accept: text/html\r\n", HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE);

       OpenRequest requestobject, [path, method, version, referer, accept,
       flags, context]
       OpenRequest requestobject, hashref
	   Opens an HTTP request.  Returns "undef" on errors or a number if
	   the connection was succesful.  You can then use one of the
	   "AddHeader", "SendRequest", "QueryInfo", "QueryDataAvailable" and
	   "ReadFile" methods on the newly created requestobject.  The
	   parameters and their values are:

	   ·   path

	       The object to request.  This is generally a file name, an
	       executable module, etc.	Default: /

	   ·   method

	       The method to use; can actually be GET, POST, HEAD or PUT.
	       Default: GET

	   ·   version

	       The HTTP version.  Default: HTTP/1.0

	   ·   referer

	       The URL of the document from which the URL in the request was
	       obtained.  Default: none

	   ·   accept

	       A single string with "\0" (ASCII zero) delimited list of
	       content types accepted.	The string must be terminated by
	       "\0\0".	Default: "text/*\0image/gif\0image/jpeg\0\0"

	   ·   flags

	       Additional flags affecting the behavior of the function.
	       Default: none

	   ·   context

	       A number to identify this operation if it is asynchronous.  See
	       "SetStatusCallback" and "GetStatusCallback" for more info on
	       asynchronous operations.	 Default: none

	   Refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions" documentation for
	   more details on those parameters.  If you pass hashref (a reference
	   to an hash array), the following values are taken from the array:

		 "path"	       => "path",
		 "method"      => "method",
		 "version"     => "version",
		 "referer"     => "referer",
		 "accept"      => "accept",
		 "flags"       => flags,
		 "context"     => context,

	   See also "Request".


	       $HTTP->OpenRequest($REQUEST, "/index.html");
	       $HTTP->OpenRequest($REQUEST, "/index.html", "GET", "HTTP/0.9");

	       $params{"path"} = "/index.html";
	       $params{"flags"} = "
	       $HTTP->OpenRequest($REQUEST, \%params);

       QueryInfo header, [flags]
	   Queries information about an HTTP request object created with
	   "OpenRequest".  You can specify an header (for example, "Content-
	   type") and/or one or more flags.  If you don't specify flags,
	   HTTP_QUERY_CUSTOM will be used by default; this means that header
	   should contain a valid HTTP header name.  For the possible values
	   of flags refer to the "Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions"


	       $statuscode = $REQUEST->QueryInfo("", HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE);
	       $headers = $REQUEST->QueryInfo("", HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF); # will get all the headers
	       $length = $REQUEST->QueryInfo("Content-length");

       Request [path, method, version, referer, accept, flags]
       Request hashref
	   Performs an HTTP request and returns an array containing the status
	   code, the headers and the content of the file.  It is a one-step
	   procedure that makes an "OpenRequest", a "SendRequest", some
	   "QueryInfo", "ReadFile" and finally "Close".	 For a description of
	   the parameters, see "OpenRequest".


	       ($statuscode, $headers, $file) = $HTTP->Request("/index.html");
	       ($s, $h, $f) = $HTTP->Request("/index.html", "GET", "HTTP/1.0");

       SendRequest [postdata]
	   Send an HTTP request to the destination server.  postdata are any
	   optional data to send immediately after the request header; this is
	   generally used for POST or PUT requests.  See also "OpenRequest".


	       $HTTP->OpenRequest($REQUEST, "/index.html");

	       # A POST request...
	       $HTTP->OpenRequest($REQUEST, "/cgi-bin/", "POST");

	       #This line is a must -> (thanks Philip :)
	       $REQUEST->AddHeader("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");


   Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions
       Complete documentation for the Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions can
       be found, in both HTML and zipped Word format, at this address:

   Functions Table
       This table reports the correspondence between the functions offered by
       WININET.DLL and their implementation in the Win32::Internet extension.
       Functions showing a "---" are not currently implemented. Functions
       enclosed in parens ( ) aren't implemented straightforwardly, but in a
       higher-level routine, eg. together with other functions.

	   WININET.DLL			   Win32::Internet

	   InternetOpen			   new Win32::Internet
	   InternetConnect		   FTP / HTTP
	   InternetCloseHandle		   Close
	   InternetQueryOption		   QueryOption
	   InternetSetOption		   SetOption
	   InternetSetOptionEx		   ---
	   InternetSetStatusCallback	   SetStatusCallback
	   InternetStatusCallback	   GetStatusCallback
	   InternetConfirmZoneCrossing	   ---
	   InternetTimeFromSystemTime	   TimeConvert
	   InternetTimeToSystemTime	   TimeConvert
	   InternetAttemptConnect	   ---
	   InternetReadFile		   ReadFile
	   InternetSetFilePointer	   ---
	   InternetFindNextFile		   (List)
	   InternetQueryDataAvailable	   QueryDataAvailable
	   InternetGetLastResponseInfo	   GetResponse
	   InternetWriteFile		   ---
	   InternetCrackUrl		   CrackURL
	   InternetCreateUrl		   CreateURL
	   InternetCanonicalizeUrl	   CanonicalizeURL
	   InternetCombineUrl		   CombineURL
	   InternetOpenUrl		   OpenURL
	   FtpFindFirstFile		   (List)
	   FtpGetFile			   Get
	   FtpPutFile			   Put
	   FtpDeleteFile		   Delete
	   FtpRenameFile		   Rename
	   FtpOpenFile			   ---
	   FtpCreateDirectory		   Mkdir
	   FtpRemoveDirectory		   Rmdir
	   FtpSetCurrentDirectory	   Cd
	   FtpGetCurrentDirectory	   Pwd
	   HttpOpenRequest		   OpenRequest
	   HttpAddRequestHeaders	   AddHeader
	   HttpSendRequest		   SendRequest
	   HttpQueryInfo		   QueryInfo
	   InternetErrorDlg		   ---

       Actually, I don't plan to add support for Gopher, Cookie and Cache
       functions. I will if there will be consistent requests to do so.

       There are a number of higher-level functions in the Win32::Internet
       that simplify some usual procedures, calling more that one WININET API
       function. This table reports those functions and the relative WININET
       functions they use.

	   Win32::Internet		   WININET.DLL

	   FetchURL			   InternetOpenUrl

	   ReadEntireFile		   InternetQueryDataAvailable

	   Request			   HttpOpenRequest

	   List				   FtpFindFirstFile

       Those are the constants exported by the package in the main namespace
       (eg. you can use them in your scripts); for their meaning and proper
       use, refer to the Microsoft Win32 Internet Functions document.


       ·   0.082 (4 Sep 2001)

	   ·   Fix passive FTP mode.  INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE was misspelled in
	       earlier versions (as INTERNET_CONNECT_FLAG_PASSIVE) and
	       wouldn't work.  Found by Steve Raynesford

       ·   0.081 (25 Sep 1999)

	   ·   Documentation converted to pod format by Jan Dubois

	   ·   Minor changes from Perl 5.005xx compatibility.

       ·   0.08 (14 Feb 1997)

	   ·   fixed 2 more bugs in Option(s) related subs (thanks to Brian

	   ·   Error() now gets error messages directly from WININET.DLL.

	   ·   The PLL file now comes in 2 versions, one for Perl version
	       5.001 (build 100) and one for Perl version 5.003 (build 300 and
	       higher). Everybody should be happy now :)

	   ·   added an installation program.

       ·   0.07 (10 Feb 1997)

	   ·   fixed a bug in Version() introduced with 0.06...

	   ·   completely reworked PM file, fixed *lots* of minor bugs, and
	       removed almost all the warnings with "perl -w".

       ·   0.06 (26 Jan 1997)

	   ·   fixed another hideous bug in "new" (the 'class' parameter was
	       still missing).

	   ·   added support for asynchronous operations (work still in

	   ·   removed the ending \0 (ASCII zero) from the DLL version
	       returned by "Version".

	   ·   added a lot of constants.

	   ·   added safefree() after every safemalloc() in C... wonder why I
	       didn't it before :)

	   ·   added TimeConvert, which actually works one way only.

       ·   0.05f (29 Nov 1996)

	   ·   fixed a bug in "new" (parameters passed were simply ignored).

	   ·   fixed another bug: "Chdir" and "Cwd" were aliases of RMDIR
	       instead of CD..

       ·   0.05 (29 Nov 1996)

	   ·   added "CrackURL" and "CreateURL".

	   ·   corrected an error in TEST.PL (there was a GetUserAgent instead
	       of UserAgent).

       ·   0.04 (25 Nov 1996)

	   ·   added "Version" to retrieve package and DLL versions.

	   ·   added proxies and other options to "new".

	   ·   changed "OpenRequest" and "Request" to read parameters from a

	   ·   added "SetOption/QueryOption" and a lot of relative functions
	       (connect, username, password, useragent, etc.).

	   ·   added "CanonicalizeURL" and "CombineURL".

	   ·   "Error" covers a wider spectrum of errors.

       ·   0.02 (18 Nov 1996)

	   ·   added support for HTTP sessions and requests.

       ·   0.01 (11 Nov 1996)

	   ·   fetching of HTTP, FTP and GOPHER URLs.

	   ·   complete set of commands to manage an FTP session.

       Version 0.08 (14 Feb 1997) by Aldo Calpini <>

       Win32::Internet is based on the Win32::Registry code written by Jesse

       Additional thanks to: Carl Tichler for his help in the initial
       development; Tore Haraldsen, Brian Helterline for the bugfixes; Dave
       Roth for his great source code examples.

       This program is FREE; you can redistribute, modify, disassemble, or
       even reverse engineer this software at your will. Keep in mind,
       however, that NOTHING IS GUARANTEED to work and everything you do is AT
       YOUR OWN RISK - I will not take responsability for any damage, loss of
       money and/or health that may arise from the use of this program!

       This is distributed under the terms of Larry Wall's Artistic License.

perl v5.14.2			  2005-09-17			   Internet(3)

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