DWARFDUMP man page on OpenIndiana

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       dwarfdump - dumps DWARF debug information of an ELF object

       dwarfdump [-abcdefilmoprsvy] [-t{afv}] [-uobjectfile] filename

       The  dwarfdump  command	prints DWARF sections as requested by specific
       options.	 With no options nothing prints!

       The format is intended to be human readable.  If a script is  to	 parse
       the output, the -d option is useful.

       Not all sections actually exist in any given object file.

       The  format  may	 change	 from  release	to release, so it is unwise to
       depend too heavily on the format.

       The dwarfdump command accepts one or more of the following options:

	      -a     Dumps all sections.  Same as -bcfilmoprsy -tfv.

	      -b     Dumps the .debug_abbrev section.

	      -c     Dumps the .debug_loc section.

	      -d     Dense mode.  Each die information of the .debug_info sec‐
		     tion is printed in one-line format.  This option does not
		     imply -i.

	      -e     Ellipsis mode.  Short names for  DW_TAG_*	and  DW_ATTR_*
		     are used in the output for the .debug_info section.

	      -f     Dumps the .debug_frame section.

	      -i     Dumps the .debug_info section.

	      -l     Dumps the .debug_line information.

	      -m     Dumps the .debug_macinfo section.

	      -o     Dumps the .reloc_debug_* sections.

	      -p     Dumps the .debug_pubnames section.

	      -r     Dumps the .debug_aranges section.

	      -s     Dumps .debug_string section.

	      -ta    Same as -tfv.

	      -tf    Dumps the .debug_static_funcs section.

	      -tv    Dumps the .debug_static_vars section.

		     Restricts	the  dumping of sections to the named compila‐
		     tion unit.

	      -v     Verbose mode.  Shows  more	 detailed  information.	  More
		     detailed	information  about  the	 .debug_frame  section
		     prints if 2 or 3 -v options are given.

	      -w     Dumps the .debug_weaknames section.

	      -y     Dumps the .debug_types section.


       Currently won't deal with dwarf information in objects of  a  different
       endianness  than	 the  host.  Won't show .debug_loc information.	 Won't
       show .debug_macinfo information.	 Restrictions in libdwarf affect   its


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