The K Desktop Environment

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2. Installation

2.1 How to obtain KFind

KFind is a core application of the KDE project KFind can be found on, the main ftp site of the KDE project.

2.2 Requirements

In order to successfully compile KFind, you need the latest versions of libkdecore and libkfm. All required libraries as well as KFind itself can be found on

2.3 Compilation and installation

Kfind is normally an integrated part of a KDE release and therefore will be automatically installed with other KDE applications in the normal course of KDE installation.

In order to compile and install KFind on your system, type the following in the base directory of the KFind distribution:

% ./configure 
% make 
% make install 

Since KFind uses autoconf you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to the KDE mailing lists.

2.4 Configuration

Configuration is normally performed by means of the Preferences dialog; see the user section of this manual for more details. A technical description of kfind configuration follows for interested parties.

Kfind reads from configuration parameters from a configuration file (normally ~/.kfindrc).

This file contains information about saving search results, available archivers and other configuration parameters; these parameters can be edited from the Kfind Preferences dialog.

General information: the resource file consists of sections. Each section is started by a header title in square braces e.g.[Saving]

Information following the header relates to a specific aspect of Kfind operation.

Saving configuration: The confiuration file holds the filename and format of the file to be used for saving search results. This parameter is stored within the .kfindrc file in entry [Saving] as follows:

Where Format entry can have values HTML or Plain Text.

Archiver configuration: Archivers available for kfind are specified in .kfindrc entry [Archiver Types] as follows:

[Archiver Types]

And each archiver is detaily described by its own entry:

ExecOnCreate=tar cf %a -C %d %n
ExecOnUpdate=tar uf %a -C %d %n

The first line contains the command to be executed when creating a new archive and the second is for updating existing archives. The third one is the comment used for archiver description in Preferences dialog. Variables may be used in these commands, and are denoted by a leading % sign.

The following is a list of legal command line variables:

%a The complete name of the archive

%f The normal file name

%d The parent directory. If the given argument is a file ( not a directory ) then this will give you the directory this file is in.

%n The name of the file. If the given argument is a directory then this is the name of this directory.

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