
checkaddr -- verify MMDF addresses


/usr/mmdf/bin/checkaddr [ -w ] [ addresses ]


The checkaddr program is used by MMDF to check the validity of an address within the local mail system. Provide addresses to checkaddr on the command line, one address per argument, or provide a list of addresses on the standard input, one address per line. For example, you can use the latter mode for checking the addresses in a mailing list as in:

checkaddr < mailing-list-file

checkaddr announces each address on a separate line and follows the address with its status (normally ``OK''). checkaddr uses submit(ADM) to do the address verification.

If the -w option is given, checkaddr causes submit to generate a detailed submission tracing. This can sometimes be useful to help find problems in alias files or mailing lists.

See also


Standards conformance

MMDF is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed at the University of Delaware and is used with permission.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005