
mount_dosfs -- mount dosfs file systems


mount [-F dosfs] special mount_point


mount attaches a dosfs file system, referenced by special, to the file system hierarchy at the pathname location mount_point, which must already exist. If mount_point has any contents prior to the mount operation, these remain hidden until the file system is once again unmounted.

The option is:

-F dosfs
Specify the dosfs FSType. If -F dosfs is not specified heuristics similiar to those used by fstyp(ADM) are used to determine the file system type.

NOTE: This command executes faster if it is not required to autodetect file system types. If possible, specify the -F dosfs.


mount table


fstyp(ADM), mkdir(S), mnttab(F), generic mount(ADM), mount(S), open(S), umount(S)


If the directory on which a file system is to be mounted is a symbolic link, the file system is mounted on the directory to which the symbolic link refers, rather than on top of the symbolic link itself.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005