
prwarn -- warn about password expiration


prwarn [ -d days ] [ -t hh[mm] ] [ users ]


prwarn issues a warning if the user's password must be changed within days and the user has not been warned of the impending expiry in the last hhmm, where hh is hours and mm is minutes. By default, warnings will be issued if the password is due to expire within seven days, at six hour intervals.

If days is infinite, and no warning has been issued in the last hh[mm], a warning is given. If hh[mm] is always, and the password must be changed within days, a warning is issued. Thus:

prwarn -d infinite -t always

always issues a warning.

If no users are specified, then the logged-in user is assumed and the time that the last report was issued is the modification time of .prwarn_time in the user's home directory.

System administrators (users with the auth subsystem authorization or passwd secondary authorization) may check the password expiry status of other users; the time interval between reports being issued is not checked.

The number of days left before the password expires, the date at which the password expires, and whether the password can still be changed or is dead (expired and exceeded its lifetime) is reported.


$HOME/.prwarn_time used to check time of last warning

See also


Standards conformance

prwarn is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005