
krb.realms -- host to Kerberos realm translation file


host_name kerberos_realm_name

domain_name kerberos_realm_name


krb.realms maps Domain Name Service (DNS) names to Kerberos realm names.

Each line of the translation file is in one of the following forms:

   host_name kerberos_realm
   domain_name kerberos_realm
If an entry lists a domain_name, it must begin with a dot (for example, .sco.COM).

If a hostname exactly matches the host_name field in a line of the first form, the corresponding realm is the realm of the host.

If a hostname does not match any host_name in the file, but its domain exactly matches the domain_name field in a line of the second form, the corresponding realm is the realm of the host.


Map all machines in the domain .sco.COM into the realm

See also


Standards conformance

krb.realms is not part of any currently supported standard. It is an extension of AT&T UNIX System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005