
scobell -- changes the volume, pitch, and duration of the system bell

Command syntax


Desktop syntax

Double-click on the Bell icon in the Preferences Editor in the Controls window.


Use scobell to change the volume, pitch, and duration of your system's bell. For an animated display of your current scobell settings, click on the bell icon at the top of the Bell dialog box. To return to the default scobell settings, click on the Default button.

To change the following options:

Volume (0-100)
Increase or decrease the bell volume by dragging the slider bar to the left or right, respectively. The default volume is 50.

NOTE: This option is currently only supported in X terminals.

Pitch (0-4.00 KHz)
Raise or lower the bell pitch by dragging the slider bar to the left or right, respectively. The default pitch is .40 KHz.

Duration (0-3 seconds)
Increase or decrease the bell duration by dragging the slider bar to the left or right, respectively. The default duration is .10 seconds.


To customize the characteristics of scobell, edit your X resource file, $HOME/.Xdefaults-hostname, (where hostname is the name of the machine on which the client is running). If this file does not exist in your home directory, you will need to create it. Changes to this file take effect the next time you run scobell.

The class name for scobell is ScoBell. scobell understands all of the core resource names and classes.

specifies the maximum pitch that the bell can be configured via scobell. The resource value will specify the maximum value in Hertz, with the default being 4000 Hertz.

specifies the maximum value displayed by the scobell Pitch scale. The resource value will specify the maximum value in KHz, with the default being 4 KHz.

specifies the maximum duration that the bell can be configured via scobell. The resource value will specify the maximum duration in milliseconds, with the default duration being 3000 milliseconds.

specifies the maximum duration displayed by the scobell Duration scale. The resource value will specify the maximum duration in seconds, with the default duration being 3 seconds.



See also

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005