
installsrv -- configure an Install Server


installsrv -q

installsrv -e | -d

installsrv -u [-c spool | -c mount | -s server] [-e]

installsrv -b [-c spool | -c mount | -s server] [-e]

installsrv -l image [-c spool | -c mount | -s server] [-e]


The installsrv command is the command-line interface for managing an Install Server. An Install Server allows remote installation of UnixWare onto other systems using TCP/IP. This command provides options for querying the configuration, enabling and disabling the service, and for staging software for other systems to install from the /var/spool/dist directory on the local host.

The -q option may be used by any user; however, only root may use the other options.


Queries the Install Server and writes the following to standard output:

If -q is specified then none of the other options can be used.

Enables the Install Server.

Disables the Install Server. If -d is specified then none of the other options can be used.

The following options indicate which installable images are to be

The operating system images.

A boot image to allow the Install Server to act as a boot server for medialess installation. (You must activate the DHCP service on the Install Server to support this capability; see dhcpd(1Mtcp).)

-l image
Loads the specified installable image.

The following options indicate how and from where the installable images are to be loaded. At most one of these options may be specified.

-c spool
The installable images are copied to the Install Server's staging directory from CD-ROM. This is the default behavior.

-c mount
The CD-ROM is mounted, and left mounted as the source of the images. Symbolic links are created in the Install Server's staging directory to point to the location of the images on the CD-ROM.

-s server
The installable images are copied into the Install Server's staging directory from another, already configured Install Server.

Exit codes

When invoked with the -q option, installsrv returns the number of networking interfaces for which the Install Server is enabled.

When invoked with any options other than -q, an exit status of 0 indicates success and a non-zero value indicates that installsrv did not complete successfully.


Each session (on both the server and client side) generates a log which is appended to the system-wide logfile /var/sadm/dist/log after completion. Optionally, the session log is mailed to root.


Please see the UnixWare Documentation Web Page at: for instructions and examples of network and medialess installations.


pkgadd(1M), pkgcat(1M), pkgcopy(1M), pkginfo(1), pkginstall(1M), pkglist(1M), pkgmk(1), pkgtrans(1)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004