
pbind -- bind to a processor


pbind -b processor-id pid . . .
pbind -u pid . . .
pbind -q [pid . . .]


The processor_id is an integer that uniquely identifies a processor; the pid is the process ID.

LWPs that are bound to a processor will run only on that processor, except briefly when the LWPs requires a resource that only another processor can provide. The processor may run other processes in addition to those which are bound to it.

If there are already processes exclusively bound to the specified processor (for example, by pexbind), the pbind command will fail.

If an LWP specified by pid is already bound to a different processor, the binding for that process shall be changed to the specified processor. If, however, an LWP specified by pid is bound exclusively (for example, by pexbind) the pbind command will fail.

Users can control only those processes they own unless the user is a privileged user.

The options are:

specifies a processor bind operation

displays non-exclusive binding information for the specified pids. When no pids are specified, pbind displays binding information for the entire system.

removes any previous non-exclusive binding for the specified processes


The following conditions result in abnormal program termination:


The format of the output displayed by pbind -q may change significantly in a future release. Applications and shell scripts should not depend on this format.


pexbind(1M), processor_bind(2)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004