
repquota -- summarize quotas for a filesystem (generic)


repquota [-F FSType] [-V] [current_options] [-o specific_options] filesystem . . .


repquota prints a summary of the disk usage and quotas for the specified filesystems. For each user the current number of files and amount of space (in kilobytes) is printed, along with any quotas created with edquota.

An error message is returned if you run repquota on a filesystem that does not have a quotas file in the root directory.

Only privileged users may view quotas which are not their own. repquota is supported on the ufs and vxfs FStypes.

Command options

Specify the FSType on which to operate. If -F FSType is not specified it is determined by matching the inputfs device with an entry in /etc/vfstab. If this fails, heuristics similiar to those used by fstyp(1M) are used to determine the file system type.

NOTE: If the FSType is known beforehand, use the -F option. This command executes faster if it is not required to autodetect file system types.

Echo the complete command line, but do not execute the command. The command line is generated by using the options and arguments provided by the user and adding to them information derived from /etc/vfstab. This option should be used to verify and validate the command line.

Specify FSType-specific options.


edquota(1M), fstyp(1M), quota(1M), quotacheck(1M), quotaon(1M), repquota_ufs(1M), repquota_vxfs(1M)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004