
eels_log_report -- generate a report from the contents of an EELS database


eels_log_report [-b begin_time] [-c config_file] [-d database_name]
[-e end_time] [-f field_filters] [-h 1 | 0] [-l field_list]
[-r report_name] [-t database_table] [-s SQL_statement] [-w where_clause]
[-x column_widths] [-y]


Use eels_log_report to create a report by extracting and formatting data from a specified database such as one created by eels_log_restore(1Meels). eels_log_report is a perl(1) script that uses eels_db_query(1Meels) to query the specified database.

Reports can be specified entirely on the command line or you can specify the name of a pre-defined report contained in /etc/eels/bin/report.rc.


-b begin_time
Do not print any rows if their date/time stamp is earlier than begin_time. The format of before time is: DD-month YYYY HH:MM:SS where month is ``Jan'', ``Feb'', ``Mar'', and so on. You can also use ``TODAY'', ``YESTERDAY'', ``TOMORROW'' in place of the DD-Month specification.

-c config_file
A report configuration and specification file to override some or all the configuration data in /etc/eels/bin/report.rc. The contents of the file must conform to valid perl syntax.

-d database_name
Specify the name of the EELS database you want to generate a report from. The default is ``defaultdb''.

-e end_time
Do not print any rows if their date/time stamp is later than end_time. The format of end_time is the same as that of begin_time for the -b option.

-f field_filters
A list of the fields (or their abbreviations) with filter parameters. Each field name must be followed by one or more parameters separated by commas within parentheses. If a parameter starts with the minus ``-'' character it is an exclude parameter. The record is excluded if the field contains the parameter. Parameters that do not begin with ``-'' are include parameters. The parameter pattern must be in the field for the record to appear. For example,
means ``EventSpecificInformation'' must contain the string ``error'' but not the word ``syslog''.

The following table lists the abbreviations for the columns of the Events table.

Abbreviation Column name
UEID UniqEventID
SN SequenceNumber
PID ProcessID
LWPID LightWeightProcessID
LSS LogSystemsSource
L Length
VID VersionID
TO TimeOffset
TUINT TimeUncertaintyINTerval
TUIND TimeUncertaintyINDicator
TS TimeSource
TZ TimeZone
EN EventNumber
ENS EventNumberStr
O Outcome
OHN OriginatorHostName
OSN OriginatorServiceName
OLA OriginatorLocationAddress
OST OriginatorServiceType
OAA OriginatorAuthAuthority
OPN OriginatorPrincipalName
OPID OriginatorPrincipalID
IAA InitiatorAuthAuthority
IDSN InitiatorDomainSpecificName
IDSID InitiatorDomainSpecificID
TLN TargetLocationName
TLA TargetLocationAddress
TST TargetServiceType
TAA TargetAuthAuthority
TPN TargetPrincipalName
TPID TargetPrincipalID
PTSD PtrToSourceDomain
SSI SourceSpecificInformation
ESI EventSpecificInformation

 Abbreviation   Column name
 UEID           UniqEventID
 SN             SequenceNumber
 PID            ProcessID
 GID            GroupID
 LWPID          LightWeightProcessID
 LSS            LogSystemsSource
 L              Length
 VID            VersionID
 TO             TimeOffset
 TUINT          TimeUncertaintyINTerval
 TUIND          TimeUncertaintyINDicator
 TS             TimeSource
 TZ             TimeZone
 EN             EventNumber
 ENS            EventNumberStr
 O              Outcome
 OHN            OriginatorHostName
 OSN            OriginatorServiceName
 OLA            OriginatorLocationAddress
 OST            OriginatorServiceType
 OAA            OriginatorAuthAuthority
 OPN            OriginatorPrincipalName
 OPID           OriginatorPrincipalID
 IAA            InitiatorAuthAuthority
 IDSN           InitiatorDomainSpecificName
 IDSID          InitiatorDomainSpecificID
 TLN            TargetLocationName
 TLA            TargetLocationAddress
 TST            TargetServiceType
 TAA            TargetAuthAuthority
 TPN            TargetPrincipalName
 TPID           TargetPrincipalID
 PTSD           PtrToSourceDomain
 SSI            SourceSpecificInformation
 ESI            EventSpecificInformation

-h 1 | 0
Use this option to specify whether to print a header at the top of each page of the report. If you specify a value of ``1'', the header is printed, ``0'', the header is not printed.

-l field_list
Specify a list of column names to include in the report. The list takes the following form:

field_name1(alt_name), field_name2(alt_name), ...

To use an alternate column name in the resulting report enclose it in parentheses next to the column name it is to replace.

-r report_name
The name of a report definition as specified in the configuration file report.rc.

-t database_table
The name of the EELS database table to interrogate. The default is ``Events''.

-s SQL_statement
The ``SELECT'' part of the SQL statement used to extract data from the specified table.

-w where_clause
The ``WHERE'' part of the SQL statement used to extract data from the specified table. The syntax must be compatible with the ``SELECT'' statement when specified with the -q option.

-x column_widths
A list of column names and their widths (enclosed in parentheses) separated by spaces, using the following form:

column_name1(size) column_name2(size) ...

-y 1 | 0
Use this option to specify whether returned dates from eels_db_query(1Meels) should be returned as date strings or as milliseconds since the EPOCH. If you specify a value of ``1'', dates are converted to strings, ``0'', the dates are returned as milliseconds since the EPOCH.


eels_log_report -l 'OHN(Host) TO OSN ESI(Event Info)' \
-f 'OHN(Apache) ESI(-GET)' -x 'OHN(16) \
TO(12) ESI(32) LSS(10)'

The command shown above generates a report with four columns, each specified by its abbreviation. The column titles displayed in the resulting report will be: ``Host'', ``TimeOffset'' ``OriginatorServiceName'', and ``Event Info''.

The example also shows how to apply inclusive and exclusive filters. The string ``Apache'' must appear in the field ``OriginatorHostName'' and the string ``GET'' must not be found in ``EventSpecificInformation''.

The default report column width of 20 is changed to 16 for ``OriginatorHostName'' (OHN) by using the -x option.

eels_log_report -q 'select TO,ESI,OSN from events'

This example demonstrates passing an SQL select statement to eels_db_query.

NOTE: In order for abbreviation parsing to work when specifying select statements the field abbreviation must follow the word ``select'' or be followed by a comma.

eels_log_report -r audit -b YESTERDAY -e TODAY

eels_log_report -r syslog -b 'TODAY 08:30' -e 'TODAY 12:00'

eels_log_report -r xdas -b 'Jan 01, 1998'

This example shows executions of the sample reports defined in report.rc executed for the time period of previous day, 8:30 a.m. today until 12:00 noon, and from the beginning of 1998 to the present.


eels_config(4eels), eels_log_restore(1Meels)
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