
rpcinfo -- report RPC information


rpcinfo [-ms] [host]

rpcinfo -p [host]

rpcinfo -T transport host program [version]

rpcinfo -l host program version

rpcinfo [-n portnum] -u host program [version]

rpcinfo [-n portnum] -t host program [version]

rpcinfo -a serv_address -T transport program [version]

rpcinfo -b [-T transport] program version

rpcinfo -d [-T transport] program version


The rpcinfo command makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports what it finds.


rpcinfo takes the following options:

-T transport
Specifies the transport on which the service is required. If this option is not specified, rpcinfo uses the transport specified in the NETPATH environment variable, or if that is unset or null, in the netconfig database. This is a generic option and can be used in conjunction with any other option. If it is used with the -b option, however, it will succeed only with a transport that supports broadcasting.

-a serv_address
Use serv_address as the (universal) address for the service on transport, ping(1Mtcp) procedure 0 of the specified program, and report whether a response was received. The use of the -T option is required with the -a option.

If version is not specified, rpcinfo tries to ping all the available version numbers for that program number. This option avoids calls to remote rpcbind to find the address of the service. serv_address is specified in the universal address format of the given transport.

Make an RPC broadcast to procedure 0 of program with version number version and report all hosts that respond. If transport is specified, rpcinfo broadcasts its request only on that transport. If broadcasting is not supported by transport, an error message is printed. Only UDP transports support broadcasting.

Delete registration for the RPC service of the specified program and version. If transport is specified, unregister the service on only that transport, otherwise unregister the service on all the transports on which it was registered. This option can be exercised only by a privileged user.

Limit display to information about the specified program and version on the specified host.

Display information about rpcbind operation on the specified host.

-n portnum
Use portnum as the port number for the -t and -u options instead of the port number given by the port map. Use of this option avoids a call to the remote port map to find out the address of the service.

Probe the port map on host, and print a list of all registered RPC programs. If host is not specified, rpcinfo defaults to the local host.

Shorten display by giving all information about each program on a single line.

Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of program on the specified host, using TCP; report whether a response was received.

Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of program on the specified host, using UDP; report whether a response was received.
The program argument is a number.

The version number is required for -b, -d, and -l options. When a version is specified, rpcinfo attempts to call that version of program. If version is not specified, rpcinfo attempts to find all the registered version numbers for the specified program by calling version 0, which is presumed not to exist. If version 0 exists, rpcinfo attempts to find all program's registered version numbers by calling an extremely high version number instead, and then attempts to call each registered version.


In the first synopsis, rpcinfo lists all RPC services registered with rpcbind on host. If host is not specified, rpcinfo defaults to the local host.

In the second synopsis, or if rpcinfo cannot contact rpcbind, rpcinfo lists all RPC services registered with the port mapper portmap. The format in which the information is printed is different for the first and second synopses since the first gets its information from rpcbind (version 3) and the second from portmap (version 2).

The third synopsis makes an RPC call to procedure 0 of program with version number version on host and reports whether a response was received. transport is the transport which is to be used for contacting the service. The remote address of the service is obtained by making a call to remote rpcbind.


rpcbind(1Mtcp), rpc(4tcp)


Print all RPC services registered on the local machine:


Print all RPC services registered with rpcbind on the machine named klaxon:

rpcinfo klaxon

To find out if the RPC service with program number prog_no and version vers is registered on machine klaxon for the transport tcp:

rpcinfo -T tcp klaxon prog_no vers

Print all RPC services registered with the port map on the local machine:

rpcinfo -p

ping version 2 of rpcbind (program number 100000) on host sparky:

rpcinfo -t sparky 100000 2

Delete the registration for version 1 of the walld service (program number 100008) for all transports (this option requires privileged access):

rpcinfo -d 100008 1

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004