
curs_clear: erase, werase, clear, wclear, clrtobot, wclrtobot, clrtoeol, wclrtoeol -- clear all or part of a curses window


cc [flag . . .] file -locurses [library . . .]

# include <ocurses.h>

int erase(void); int werase(WINDOW *win); int clear(void); int wclear(WINDOW *win); int clrtobot(void); int wclrtobot(WINDOW *win); int clrtoeol(void); int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *win);


The erase and werase routines copy blanks to every position in the window.

The clear and wclear routines are like erase and werase, but they also call clearok, so that the screen is cleared completely on the next call to wrefresh for that window and repainted from scratch.

The clrtobot and wclrtobot routines erase all lines below the cursor in the window. Also, the current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, is erased.

The clrtoeol and wclrtoeol routines erase the current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive.

Return values

All routines return the integer OK, or a non-negative integer if immedok is set.


curses(3ocurses), curs_outopts(3ocurses), curs_refresh(3ocurses)


The header file ocurses.h automatically includes the header files stdio.h and unctrl.h.

Note that erase, werase, clear, wclear, clrtobot, and clrtoeol may be macros.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004