
SaHost: SaHostGetLocalName, SaHostGetManagedName, SaHostExtractSystemName, SaHostExtractDomain, SaHostsGet, SaHostCheck, SaHostRemoteOsaAccessible -- host name management for SCOadmin applications


SaHostExtractSystemName host
SaHostExtractDomain host
SaHostCheck host


These interfaces provide convenient handling of host names in the networked environment. An application can obtain a fully qualified domain name for the local host as well as the remote host being managed. This in turn can be parsed to extract either the domain or the unqualified system name.

SaHostsGet uses the local host's name service to obtain a list of all known host names on the network. This is ideal for a user interface based on a point and pick list of host names.

SaHostCheck determines whether or not the specified host is known to the name service of the local host. It returns true (1) or false (0) accordingly.

SaHostRemoteOsaAccessible provides a simple boolean test for whether or not remote services are available through the SCOadmin framework. If the local host provides networking services and is properly attached to a live network, a remote OSA is considered accessible.


fully qualified host name


SaOpenHost(3tlib), SaSelectHost(3tlib).
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004