
ftphosts -- allow or deny access to individual FTP users from various hosts


The ftphosts file is used to allow or deny access to certain accounts from various hosts. The following acccess capabilities may be defined:

allow username addrglob [addrglob...]
Permit users to login as username only from hosts matching addrglob but from nowhere else.

deny username addrglob [addrglob...]
Prevent users from logging in as username from hosts matching addrglob.
A username of anonymous or ftp specifies the anonymous user. A username of ``*'' matches any user.

addrglob is a regular expression that can be matched against hostnames or IP addresses.

The first allow or deny line that matches a host is used. For example:

   deny    ftp     *.mynet.com
   allow   ftp     nile.rivers.mynet.com
would deny access to the ftp account from all hosts in the domain mynet.com. The allow line for access from nile.rivers.mynet.com would be not be reached.

To allow access from nile.rivers.mynet.com, the statements should be placed in the following order:

   allow   ftp     nile.rivers.mynet.com
   deny    ftp     *.mynet.com
If no entry exists for a user, access is allowed.




ftpaccess(4tcp), ftpconversions(4tcp), ftpd(1Mtcp), ftpusers(4tcp), ftpshut(1Mtcp), xferlog(4tcp)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004