The K Desktop Environment

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4. Developers' Guide

This section covers topics of interest to expert users and developers. It covers the following topics:

4.1 kpanel Commands

You can send commands to kpanel via the K Window Manager using either of two techniques:

KWM::sendKWMCommand(QString) (in KDE applications)
kwmcom command (from the command line)

kpanel responds to the following commands:

4.2 kpanelrc

kpanel can be configured using the KDE Control Center (application starter > KDE Control Center). Choose Panel from the Applications section to work with the various configuration options.

For those who prefer to edit a configuration file, this section explains the options in the kpanelrc file, located in ~/.kde/share/config.

The kpanelrc configuration file is divided into two sections:


The kpanel section contains a number of entries that govern kpanel's behavior.


This section specifies the layout of the panel buttons.

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