
sdiconfig -- determine which SDI disk, tape, and SCSI controllers are present


/sbin/sdiconfig [-R ROOT]    [-f driver name,...] [filename]
/sbin/sdiconfig -l


sdiconfig(1M) queries the Storage Device Interface (SDI) subsystem to determine which disk, tape, and SCSI controllers are present. sdiconfig reads the Equipped Device Table (EDT) built by the SDI drivers and outputs this information in a format suitable for piping directly to diskcfg(1M).


sdiconfig accepts the following options:

Uses this value instead of / for the root of a kernel source tree.

-f driver name,...
Force the named driver to be turned on in the current SDI configuration. driver name is the short name of the driver. This option is repeatable.

Directs output to filename instead of to standard output.

List SDI controllers configured on the system. This option can be run only by the root user.


The output includes all of the information needed by diskcfg to reconfigure the system files so that a kernel can be built containing only those drivers needed for devices actually present on the system.

The format of the output for sdiconfig is:

   driver name
   long driver name
   driver type
   configure flag
   unit number
   dma channel 1
   dma channel 2
   ipl level
   interrupt vector
   interrupt sharing flag
   starting I/O address
   ending I/O address
   starting memory address
   ending memory address
   cpu binding

Each field has a value present and is tab separated. If an error occurs while trying to retrieve the EDT or configuration information, or if no devices are found in the EDT, sdiconfig terminates with a non-zero return value.

NOTE: sdiconfig does not use the ROOT shell variable from the user's environment as its starting path. You can specify a value for ROOT by using the -R option. The -R option should not be used except for the special case of kernel development in a non-root source tree.


sdiconfig is an administrative command and must be run in single-user mode. See init(1M) for information on switching the machine to single-user mode.

Any loadable target drivers, such as st01(7) and sw01(7), must be demand loaded before executing sdiconfig. See modadmin(1M) for information on loading loadable drivers.

Return values

On success, sdiconfig exits with a return code of 0. On failure, it returns a non-zero code.


disk.cfg(4dsp), diskcfg(1M), init(1M), modadmin(1M), sdiadd(1M), sdirm(1M)


Compatibility with earlier releases

sdiconfig was previously known as pdiconfig.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004